
薩姆·佩爾茲曼Sam Peltzman),是芝加哥大學布斯商學院名譽教授。佩爾茲曼是《法律與經濟學期刊》的編輯;1974年至1989年期間,亦擔任《政治經濟學雜誌》的編輯。佩爾茲曼的研究重點是公部門私部門之間的接口問題。

出生布魯克林區 編輯維基數據
職業大學教師、經濟學家 編輯維基數據
獎項科睿唯安引文桂冠獎 編輯維基數據



佩爾茲曼效應(英語:Peltzman effect),指企圖增加安全性的規範反而增加風險,得名自佩爾茲曼。1975年,佩爾茲曼在《汽車安全規範的效果》(The Effects of Automobile Safety Regulation)中提到「因為補償非常完善,導致規範幾乎沒有減少高速公路上的死亡案例。」[1] 佩爾茲曼宣稱規範最好沒用,否則反而會引起反效果。[2][3] 佩爾茲曼效應也會導致一項重分配效果,即無辜者承擔冒險者的風險,也就是道德風險。舉例而言,對於安全帶、碰撞區、防鎖死系統等安全規範,一位能容忍高風險的駕駛會將車開得越快、越粗心,最終導致行人傷亡的增加。[4]



  1. ^ Peltzman, Sam. The Effects of Automobile Safety Regulation. Journal of Political Economy. 1975, 83 (4): 677–726. JSTOR 1830396. S2CID 153473566. doi:10.1086/260352. 
  2. ^ Pope, Adam T.; Tollison, Robert D. "Rubbin' is racin": evidence of the Peltzman effect from NASCAR. Public Choice. 2010, 142 (3–4): 507–513. S2CID 153527032. doi:10.1007/s11127-009-9548-2. "The Peltzman (1975) effect predicts that when automobile safety regulations are made mandatory, at least some of their benefits will be offset by changes in the behavior of drivers 
  3. ^ Hedlund, J. Risky business: safety regulations, risk compensation, and individual behavior. Injury Prevention. 2000, 6 (2): 82–89. PMC 1730605 . PMID 10875661. doi:10.1136/ip.6.2.82. This conclusion startled the road safety community and challenged the role of government in attempting to improve safety through regulation. In Peltzman's view, government regulation was useless and perhaps even counterproductive. 
  4. ^ Diosdado-De-La-Pena, Maria-Paulina. Safety externalities of SUVs on passenger cars: An analysis of the Peltzman Effect using FARS data (學位論文). 2008 [2023-10-24]. (原始內容存檔於2024-02-07). In general, safety regulation did decrease the probability of death for drivers, but this is offset by involving themselves in a riskier behavior, which reassigns the change of deaths from vehicle occupants to pedestrians 
