

囊胚中只有一层细胞。原肠胚形成过程会使细胞向内生长,同时,胚胎会长大,形成原肠胚。图中蓝色表示外胚层 (ectoderm),绿色表示内胚层 (endoderm),囊胚腔 (blastocoel) 用黄色表示,原肠腔 (archenteron) 用紫色表示。


原肠胚形成的分子机制以及所需时间在不同的生物中是不同的。不过,不同生物之间的原肠胚形成仍然有一些共同点,如:一,胚胎的拓扑结构会发生变化,从单连通的表面(类似于球面)变为非单连通的表面(类似于环面)。二,胚胎细胞会分化为外胚层细胞、中胚层细胞、内胚层细胞(部分低等生物无中胚层细胞)。三,内胚层细胞会出现消化功能[6]。另外,尽管动物原肠胚形成的具体模式千差万别,但总的来说原肠胚形成过程中,细胞的移动可以归纳为五种:内陷英语Invagination(Invagination)、内卷(Involution)、内移英语Ingression (biology)(Ingression)、分层英语delamination(delamination)、外包英语epiboly(epiboly)[7]

“原肠胚”(gastrula)以及“原肠胚形成”(gastrulation)这两个名词都是由恩斯特·海克尔(Ernst Haeckel)在他发表于1872年的著作《钙质海绵生物学》(Biology of Calcareous Sponges)中首次提出的。刘易斯·沃伯特英语Lewis Wolpert(Lewis Wolpert),发育生物学的先驱之一,曾这样说:“出生、结婚、死亡都不是你一生中最重要的时刻,原肠胚形成才是。”[8]



在羊膜(爬行类鸟类哺乳动物)上,原肠胚形成与原肠腔(archenteron)上出现的一个开口,胚孔的出现有密切关系。注意胚孔并不是囊胚阶段上囊胚腔上的开口,而是一个新的开口。胚孔能推动囊胚表面的细胞聚合在一起。在羊膜上,原肠胚形成可以分为以下几个大步骤:一,胚胎变为不对称;二,原条形成;三,原条表皮细胞发生上皮-间充质转换英语Epithelial-mesenchymal transition。同时,原条区域细胞发生内移,形成胚层[4]

原口动物(protostome)和后口动物(deuterostome)口肛发生英语Embryological origins of the mouth and anus的差异在于,原口动物口的发生先于肛门,胚孔会发育为口。而后口动物口的发生后于肛门,胚孔会发育为肛门。它们的英文名也正是据此而来:原口动物(protostome)的英文名来自两个希腊语单词:“πρώτος + στόμα”,意思分别为“先”和“口”。后口动物(deuterostom)的英文名同样来自两个希腊单词:“δεύτερος + στόμα”,意思分别是“第二”(次)和“口”。


在原肠胚形成的准备阶段,胚胎会形成远近轴(proximal-distal axis)以及前后轴(anterior-posterior axis),不对称性也随这两个轴的发生而出现。胚胎的卵圆筒形成标志着远近轴的形成:近端的胚胎外组织会形成胎盘样组织,而远端则是上胚层骨塑型蛋白(BMP)、成纤维细胞生长因子(FGF)、Nodal英语NODALWnt等信号分子介导的信号转导途径参与了这一过程。内脏内胚层包围表皮。远端内脏内胚层(DVE)会迁移到胚胎的前部,形成前内脏内胚层(AVE),打破前后对称性。上述过程受Nodal信号通路的调控[4]





During the early stages of development, the primitive streak is the structure that will establish bilateral symmetry, determine the site of gastrulation and initiate germ layer formation. To form the streak, reptiles, birds and mammals arrange mesenchymal cells along the prospective midline, establishing the first embryonic axis, as well as the place where cells will ingress and migrate during the process of gastrulation and germ layer formation.[12] The primitive streak extends through this midline and creates the antero-posterior body axis,[13] becoming the first symmetry-breaking event in the embryo, and marks the beginning of gastrulation.[14] This process involves the ingression of mesoderm and endoderm progenitors and their migration to their ultimate position,[13][15] where they will differentiate into the three germ layers.[12] The localization of the cell adhesion and signaling molecule beta-catenin is critical to the proper formation of the organizer region that is responsible for initiating gastrulation.


In order for the cells to move from the epithelium of the epiblast through the primitive streak to form a new layer, the cells must undergo an epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) to lose their epithelial characteristics, such as cell-cell adhesion. FGF signaling is necessary for proper EMT. FGFR1 is needed for the up regulation of SNAI1, which down regulates E-cadherin, causing a loss of cell adhesion. Following the EMT, the cells ingress through the primitive streak and spread out to form a new layer of cells or join existing layers. FGF8 is implicated in the process of this dispersal from the primitive streak.[11]




To illustrate this, the guided differentiation of mouse ESCs has resulted in generating primitive streak-like cells that display many of the characteristics of epiblast cells that traverse through the primitive streak[16] (e.g. transient brachyury up regulation and the cellular changes associated with an epithelial to mesenchymal transition[16]), and human ESCs cultured on micro patterns, treated with BMP4, can generate spatial differentiation pattern similar to the arrangement of the germ layers in the human embryo.[17][18] Finally, using 3D embryoid body- and organoid-based techniques, small aggregates of mouse ESCs (Embryonic Organoids, or Gastruloids) are able to show a number of processes of early mammalian embryo development such as symmetry-breaking, polarisation of gene expression, gastrulation-like movements, axial elongation and the generation of all three embryonic axes (anteroposterior, dorsoventral and left-right axes).[19][20]



  1. ^ Mundlos 2009: p. 422页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 McGeady, 2004: p. 34
  3. ^ Hall, 1998: pp. 132-134页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Arnold & Robinson, 2009
  5. ^ Hall, 1998: p. 177页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  6. ^ Harrison 2011: p. 206页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  7. ^ Gilbert 2010: p. 164.
  8. ^ Ereskovsky 2010: p. 236页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 Tam & Behringer, 1997
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  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 16.2 Turner, David A.; Rué, Pau; Mackenzie, Jonathan P.; Davies, Eleanor; Martinez Arias, Alfonso. Brachyury cooperates with Wnt/β-catenin signalling to elicit primitive-streak-like behaviour in differentiating mouse embryonic stem cells. BMC Biology. 2014-01-01, 12: 63. ISSN 1741-7007. PMC 4171571 . PMID 25115237. doi:10.1186/s12915-014-0063-7. 
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  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 Etoc, Fred; Metzger, Jakob; Ruzo, Albert; Kirst, Christoph; Yoney, Anna; Ozair, M. Zeeshan; Brivanlou, Ali H.; Siggia, Eric D. A Balance between Secreted Inhibitors and Edge Sensing Controls Gastruloid Self-Organization. Developmental Cell: 302–315. [2017-01-27]. doi:10.1016/j.devcel.2016.09.016. (原始内容存档于2020-08-15). 
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 Brink, Susanne C. van den; Baillie-Johnson, Peter; Balayo, Tina; Hadjantonakis, Anna-Katerina; Nowotschin, Sonja; Turner, David A.; Arias, Alfonso Martinez. Symmetry breaking, germ layer specification and axial organisation in aggregates of mouse embryonic stem cells. Development. 2014-11-15, 141 (22): 4231–4242 [2017-01-27]. ISSN 0950-1991. PMC 4302915 . PMID 25371360. doi:10.1242/dev.113001. (原始内容存档于2020-06-12) (英语). 
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 20.2 Turner, David Andrew; Glodowski, Cherise R.; Luz, Alonso-Crisostomo; Baillie-Johnson, Peter; Hayward, Penny C.; Collignon, Jérôme; Gustavsen, Carsten; Serup, Palle; Schröter, Christian. Interactions between Nodal and Wnt signalling Drive Robust Symmetry Breaking and Axial Organisation in Gastruloids (Embryonic Organoids). bioRxiv. 2016-05-13: 051722 [2017-01-27]. doi:10.1101/051722. (原始内容存档于2018-06-04) (英语). 


