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饮食专题 (获评初级中重要度
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我删除了这段:"几十年后,薯片成了美国东北部主要的正餐菜肴。"。理由是除了我住在东北的麻州没听过这事之外,英文wiki也没这条。Jyi 04:22 2007年4月5日 (UTC)




The earliest known recipe for something similar to today's potato chips is in William Kitchiner's book The Cook's Oracle published in 1817, which was a bestseller in the United Kingdom and the United States.[2] The 1822 edition's recipe for "Potatoes fried in Slices or Shavings" reads "peel large potatoes... cut them in shavings round and round, as you would peel a lemon; dry them well in a clean cloth, and fry them in lard or dripping".[3][4] An 1825 British book about French cookery calls them "Pommes de Terre frites" (second recipe) and calls for thin slices of potato fried in "clarified butter or goose dripping", drained and sprinkled with salt.[5] Early recipes for potato chips in the US are found in Mary Randolph's Virginia House-Wife (1824)[6] and in N.K.M. Lee's Cook's Own Book (1832),[7] both of which explicitly cite Kitchiner.[8]

今天的薯片类似食物的最早知道的食谱出现在威廉·基奇纳的《Cook's Oracle》一书中,该书于1817年出版,成为英国和美国的畅销书[2] 。1822年版的"Potatoes fried in Slices or Shavings"食谱中写道:"削大马铃薯...用一条干净的布将它们切成薄片,然后在猪油或炸油中煎炸"。[3][4] 1825年的一本关于法国烹饪的英国书称之为"Pommes de Terre frites"(第二个食谱),并要求将马铃薯切成薄片,用"净化的牛油或鹅油"煎炸,沥干后洒上盐。[5] 在美国,早期的薯片食谱可在玛丽·兰道夫的《Virginia House-Wife》(1824年)[6]和N.K.M.李的《Cook's Own Book》(1832年)[7] 中找到,这两者都明确引用了基奇纳的著作[8]。

原文连结: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potato_chip#History--常阳温斗留言2024年1月22日 (一) 06:20 (UTC)回复
