美國政府出版局(United States Government Publishing Office,縮寫 GPO),負責編輯、印刷、出版、發行美國政府部門需要出版的資料的官方機構。包括國會報告、國會意見、聽證會記錄、國會辯論記錄、國會檔案、法院資料、法院資料以及國防部、內政部、勞工部、總統辦公室等各個部門出版發行的文件。值得一提的是,美國護照也是政府出版物的一種。包括社保卡、人口普查表、納稅申報表格、醫療補助和老年保健醫療資料。GPO也通過設有24個美國政府書店(U.S. Goverment BookStore)、聯邦數字系統在線免費發布聯邦信息。[3]
美國聯邦政府政府機構 | |
政府出版局 | |
Government Printing Office、Government Publishing Office | |
![]() 印章 | |
![]() Logo | |
機構概要 | |
成立時間 | 1861年3月4日 |
機構類型 | state publisher[*]、legislative branch agency[*] |
機構駐地 | 732 North Capitol St. NW Washington, D.C.[1] |
僱員數目 | 1,920[1] |
年度預算額 | 126.2百萬美元 (2012)[1] |
機構首長 | Public Printer of the United States[*]、Director of the United States Government Publishing Office[*]: |
上級機構 | 美國國會印刷聯合委員會 |
網站 | gpo.gov |
備註 | |
[1] | |
影像資料 | |
1813年,美國國會通過將三大政府機構工作的有關信息發布給全美公民的決議。1860年6月23日,美國通過法令12 Stat. 117,並於1861年3月4日成立了擁有350人的政府印務局(Government Printing office),專門負責美國政府出版物的印刷發行工作。
2011年3月, GPO出版了該機構150年官方歷史《Keeping America Informed》。[4]2014年12月17日,GPO在官網上宣布,它的名稱正式從政府印務局(Government printing office)改為政府出版局(Government publishing office)。[5][6]
最高職位叫做「聯邦公共印刷官」(Public Printer of the United States),但從2014年12月職位正式改稱"Director."
- Almon M. Clapp (1876–1877)
- John D. Defrees (1877–1882)
- Sterling P. Rounds (1882–1886)
- Thomas E. Benedict (1886–1889)
- Frank W. Palmer (1889–1894)
- Thomas E. Benedict (1894–1897)
- Frank W. Palmer (1897–1905), O.J. Ricketts (Acting, 1905–1905)
- Charles A. Stillings (1905–1908), William S. Rossiter (Acting, 1908–1908), Capt. Henry T. Brian (Acting, 1908–1908)
- John S. Leech (1908–1908)
- Samuel B. Donnelly (1908–1913)
- Cornelius Ford (1913–1921)
- George H. Carter (1921–1934)
- Augustus E. Giegengack (1934–1948), John J. Deviny (Acting, 1948–1948)
- John J. Deviny (1948–1953), Phillip L. Cole (Acting, 1953–1953)
- Raymond Blattenberger (1953–1961), John M. Wilson (Acting, 1961–1961), Felix E. Cristofane (Acting, 1961–1961)
- James L. Harrison (1961–1970)
- Adolphus N. Spence (1970–1972), Harry J. Humphrey (Acting, 1972–1973), L.T. Golden (Acting Deputy, 1973–1973)
- Thomas F. McCormick (1973–1977)
- John J. Boyle (1977–1980), Samuel Saylor (Acting, 1980–1981)
- Danford L. Sawyer, Jr. (1981–1984), William J. Barrett (Acting, 1984–1984)
- Ralph E. Kennickell, Jr. (1984–1988), Joseph E. Jenifer (Acting, 1988–1990)
- Robert Houk (1990–1993),[7]Michael F. DiMario (Acting, 1993–1993)
- Michael F. DiMario (1993[8]–2002)
- Bruce James (2002–2007),[9]William H. Turri (Acting, 2007–2007)
- Robert C. Tapella (2007–2010)[10]
- William J. Boarman (2010–2012)[11]
- Davita Vance-Cooks (2013–2017)[12]
- Code of Federal Regulations
- Public and Private Laws
- The Congressional Record
- The 聯邦公報, which is the official daily publication for rules, proposed rules, and notices of Federal agencies and organizations.
- 美國法典
- 美國法律總匯
- House Journal and Senate Journal
政府出版局警察(Government Publishing Office Police)負責警衛、看護政府出版局,並對偽造護照進行刑偵工作。[17]2003年有53名警官。[18][19][20]
- ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Rein, Lisa, U.S. printing office shrinks with round of buyouts, The Washington Post, January 25, 2012, washingtonpost.com [2012-01-26], (原始內容存檔於2021-04-19)
- ^ Acting GPO Director Jim Bradley Retires. FDLP News and Events. [2018-09-15]. (原始內容存檔於2021-04-02).
- ^ Home. www.access.gpo.gov. [2016-02-08]. (原始內容存檔於2012-03-01).
- ^ Mission, Vision, and Goals. www.gpo.gov. [2018-09-15]. (原始內容存檔於2017-10-02).
- ^ Government Publishing Office. GPO IS NOW THE GOVERNMENT PUBLISHING OFFICE. gpo.gov. [2015-01-03]. (原始內容存檔於2017-05-13).
- ^ Andrew Siddons, "Government Printer Renamed for Digital Age," (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) New York Times, Dec. 12, 2014.
- ^ PIA Backs a Nominee For Public Printer Post.(Printing Industries of America, Robert Houk)(Brief Article). 2001-06-01 [2018-09-15]. (原始內容存檔於2012-10-25).
- ^ BUBL.ac.uk 網際網路檔案館的存檔,存檔日期2011-06-16.
- ^ GPO.gov 網際網路檔案館的存檔,存檔日期2008-09-06.
- ^ Presidential Nominations Sent to the Senate, 4/19/10. [2010-08-11]. (原始內容存檔於2010-08-18).
- ^ SacBee.com[失效連結]
- ^ Hicks, Josh. Davita Vance-Cooks confirmed as first female and African American public printer. The Washington Post. August 2, 2013. washingtonpost.com [2018-03-06]. (原始內容存檔於2015-06-10).
- ^ Congressional Relations (PDF). www.gpo.gov. [2018-09-15]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2009-04-29).
- ^ Bill Gertz, GPO profits go to bonuses and trips (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), Washington Times, March 27, 2008
- ^ Bill Gertz, Outsourced passport work scrutinized, Washington Times, March 26, 2008
- ^ Confronting Digital Age Head-On (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), Washington Post, March 13, 2006
- ^ GPO Uniformed Police. Website of the Government Printing Office. Government Printing Office. [2014-04-18]. (原始內容存檔於2017-07-09).
- ^ Review of Potential Merger of the Library of Congress Police and/or the Government Printing Office Police with the U.S. Capitol Police. Government Accountability Office. 2002-07-05 [2013-07-05]. (原始內容存檔於2021-04-19).
- ^ 美國法典第44編 § 第317節
- ^ Archived copy (PDF). [2015-05-10]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2015-09-24).
- 100 GPO Years, 1861–1961: A History of United States Public Printing. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 2010.
- Picturing the Big Shop: Photos of the U.S. Government Publishing Office (PDF). U.S. Government Publishing Office. 2017 [2018-09-15]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2021-03-17).