土耳其占领下的叙利亚北部是指叙利亚内战以来,土耳其军队及其盟友叙利亚国民军占领的叙利亚北部地区[1][2] 。这一占领始于2016年。[3]巴卜、阿扎兹、曼比季、贾拉布鲁斯、拉卓、泰勒艾卜耶德和艾因角等城镇都位于土耳其控制区内。这些定居点大部分都是从伊斯兰国和叙利亚民主力量手中夺取的[4]。
- ^ Sirwan Kajjo. Skirmishes Mar Fight Against IS in Northern Syria. Voice of America. 2 March 2017 [13 April 2017]. (原始内容存档于13 April 2017).
Turkish occupation "is an existential threat to the Assad government's ability to reclaim the entirety of its territory, which is a key argument that regime loyalists make in their support of Bashar al-Assad's government," Heras said.
- ^ Robert Fisk. In northern Syria, defeated Isis fighters leave behind only scorched earth, trenches – and a crucifixion stand. The Independent. 29 March 2017 [17 September 2017]. (原始内容存档于28 July 2017).
You can't mistake the front line between the Syrian army and Turkey's occupation force east of Aleppo.
- ^ Haid Haid. Turkey's Gradual Efforts to Professionalize Syrian Allies. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. 2 November 2018 [19 November 2018]. (原始内容存档于20 November 2018).
- ^ Safe zone 'crucial for Turkmen in Syria'. www.aa.com.tr. [10 October 2019]. (原始内容存档于7 October 2019).