1111行动缅甸语၁၁၁၁ စစ်ဆင်ရေး)是缅甸内战期间,由包括克伦尼民族人民解放阵线英语Karenni National People's Liberation Front克伦尼军克伦尼民族保卫军在内的克耶族民地武于2023年11月11日针对缅甸军政府发起的联合军事行动。抵抗组织早些时候发起了同时进行的1107行动,但随后又发起了一项单独的行动,目标是占领克耶邦首府垒固[5]

日期2023年11月11日 –至今
状态 进行中
未知 未知
  • 超过两百人死亡(据KNDF)[2]
  • 38人被俘[1]





11月13日前,克伦尼民族保卫军 宣称其已占领许多原先属于缅甸国防军的据点,在战斗过程中16位平民丧生。 伊洛瓦底表示“志愿战斗者预估在考虑之前武装冲突情况下,在最近的武装冲突中,总共有大约35000人必须从垒固这个原本住有50000居民的城镇,做为缅甸军政府在克耶邦的行政中心撤离。 [7]


11月18日前,参与1111行动的少数民族地方武装宣称其在克耶邦捕获更多据点,包括垒固地方法院、垒固大学,并捕获了38位战俘 ,并且报导到有40000人以上流离失所,至少50人死亡。

在11月22日时,伊洛瓦底报导道交战双方在1111行动的最前10天中有超过315名战士和平民死亡,1000800人在克耶邦中流离失所,其中40000人是先前报导到来自于垒固的民众。克伦尼民族保卫军声称从缅甸国防军中夺取一些哨点。[9] 交战地点在11月23前已抵达垒固郊区。 [10]在11月28日时,克伦尼民族保卫军的副总司令宣称少数民族地方武装已控制80%的克耶邦领土并包围垒固城区,并且将建立临时克伦族的政府。[11][12]



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Kayah Resistance Groups Claim Victories Over Myanmar Junta. The Irrawaddy. November 18, 2023 [November 20, 2023]. (原始内容存档于November 19, 2023). 
  2. ^ Over 200 Junta Soldiers Killed in 10-Day Battle for Myanmar’s Loikaw: KNDF. (原始内容存档于2023-11-22). 
  3. ^ Over 200 Junta Soldiers Killed in 10-Day Battle for Myanmar’s Loikaw: KNDF. (原始内容存档于2023-11-22). 
  4. ^ Over 200 Junta Soldiers Killed in 10-Day Battle for Myanmar’s Loikaw: KNDF. (原始内容存档于2023-11-22). 
  5. ^ Myanmar Resistance Forces Launch Operation 1111, Seizing Control in Loikaw. BNN Breaking. November 18, 2023 [November 20, 2023]. (原始内容存档于November 19, 2023). In a remarkable show of unity and defiance, Kayah resistance groups, including the Karenni Army, the Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF), the Karenni People’s Liberation Front, and the People’s Defense Forces, initiated Operation 1111 on November 11, 2023, with the objective of overthrowing the military junta in Myanmar. This operation has reportedly resulted in the capture of over 20 junta-held positions across the municipalities of Loikaw and Demoso, as well as the adjacent municipality of Pekon in southern Shan State. 
  6. ^ New Surge of Displaced People Since the Launch of Operation 1111. Burma News International. November 14, 2023 [November 20, 2023]. (原始内容存档于November 19, 2023). The chairman of the Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF) underscored the need to dismantle the Military Council administration in Loikaw Township to bring about the overthrow of the dictatorship and establish self-determination in Karenni State. He pointed out that unfortunately the looming battle to capture the town, could result in significant destruction. 
  7. ^ Karenni Armed Group Seizes Seven Myanmar Junta Bases Since Saturday. The Irrawaddy. November 13, 2023 [November 20, 2023]. (原始内容存档于November 19, 2023). KNDF Chairman Khun Be Du urged Loikaw residents to temporarily evacuate to safe areas as resistance forces are attempting to seize the capital. 
  8. ^ Civilians trapped amid fighting in Myanmar’s Kayah state. Union of Catholic Asian News. November 15, 2023 [November 20, 2023]. (原始内容存档于November 19, 2023). Junta troops have blocked all roads to prevent the people from fleeing amid a resistance offensive by Karenni rebel forces, who have launched an operation codenamed ’11.11’ on Nov. 11 to seize the remote township. 
  9. ^ Over 200 Junta Soldiers Killed in 10-Day Battle for Myanmar’s Loikaw: KNDF. (原始内容存档于2023-11-22). 
  10. ^ Battle For Control of Myanmar State Capital Escalating at ‘Alarming Rate’. [2023-11-27]. (原始内容存档于2023-11-23). 
  11. ^ Kha, Kyaw. Operation 1111 ‘Close to Securing All of Kayah State for Myanmar Resistance’. The Irrawaddy. 28 November 2023 [28 November 2023]. (原始内容存档于2024-01-22). 
  12. ^ Junta’s Administration Ousted From Karenni State- Loikaw still a war-zone. BNI Online. 29 November 2023. (原始内容存档于29 November 2023).