Dimentions of the cricket pitch
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Main article: en:Cricket
Most of the action takes place in the centre of this ground, on a rectangular clay strip usually with short grass called the pitch. The pitch measures 12 feet × 74 feet (3.65 m × 22.26 m).
Lines drawn or painted on the pitch are known as creases. The creases are used to determine dismissal of batsmen and Extras.
The stumps are aligned on a crease drawn across the width of the pitch. This line is known as the bowling crease and is 8 feet 8 en:inches (264 cm) in length. The two bowling creases are separated by a distance of 22 yards (20.12 m). Inwards of each bowling crease and parallel to it, at a distance of 4 feet (1.2 m), is another crease. These are the popping creases, though the one at the batting end is also commonly known as the batting crease. The length of these creases is considered infinite, but is usually drawn for 30 yards (27 m) on either side of the pitch.
Perpendicular to these creases are drawn two parallel lines centred on the wicket and 8 feet 8 inches (2.64 m) apart, which extend backwards from the popping creases to a length of 8 feet (2.44 m), known as the return creases.
Cricket Pitch, as created by porge based upon =Nichalp «Talk»='s image.