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【基金会网站5月17日消息】 维基媒体基金会在网站上发表文章表示,他们已经确定,维基百科在中国大陆地区无法访问。这影响了超过13亿的读者、学生、专业人士、研究人员,以及其他人,使得他们再也无法访问这个资源库,也无法将他们的知识与成果与全世界分享。维基媒体基金会提到,在此之前,他们没有获得任何通知或预兆,表明为何现在进行封锁,或者当前的封锁发生的原因。
应读者要求,《求闻》新增电报(Telegram)订阅广播频道。欢迎各位前往 https://t.me/Qiuwen 订阅《求闻》,第一时间收取推送!其他订阅渠道正在逐步扩展,敬请读者期待。
订阅《求闻》 · 关于《求闻》 · 往期概览 · 《求闻》编译组经 MediaWiki message delivery 发送于 2019年5月17日 (五) 08:00 (UTC)
- 话说这次封锁的技术分析有木有写好?@Techyan、Alexander Misel:--留言) 2019年5月18日 (六) 18:35 (UTC)
- 写好了--Techyan(留言) 2019年5月19日 (日) 09:03 (UTC)
- 求链接。。。--留言) 2019年5月20日 (一) 00:28 (UTC)
- 没有,不对外发。渣英语就不献丑了。大概意思跟下面MCC214说的差不多。--Techyan(留言) 2019年5月22日 (三) 00:51 (UTC)
- 没关系,看得懂,而且基本上上面技术分析都说得差不多了。动机的话怎样推测都对,毕竟也无法证伪。还是说没写?(笑)——路过围观的Sakamotosan | 避免做作,免敬 2019年5月22日 (三) 01:42 (UTC)
- 这算是你自己承认你是李四了?我说你写CN2抢我饭碗不厚道啊--Techyan(留言) 2019年5月22日 (三) 14:00 (UTC)
- 你喵的你自己写公告会出报告,结果居然鸽了还怪我咯。行行行。你现在CN还不是照样鸽了,CN2是不是不是你开篇的就脸上无光了? 囧rz...——路过围观的Sakamotosan | 避免做作,免敬 2019年5月23日 (四) 00:28 (UTC)
- 咱还是研究研究李四吧,我把你IPBE拔了再把普林斯顿大学IP都封了你是不是就挂了?--Techyan(留言) 2019年5月23日 (四) 02:05 (UTC)
- 别乱猜测,毕竟不是一个人在等你的分析。而且做事言出必行,这样子鸽了只会有损威信。正如我所说的,技术分析上面讨论就有,动机的话只能靠猜,甚至我觉得没必要写上去,就不明白,抢新闻就够快了,但写这样的东西就这么麻烦?——路过围观的Sakamotosan | 避免做作,免敬 2019年5月23日 (四) 02:51 (UTC)
- 有句话叫顾左右而言他知道么,我不会真闲的蛋疼封你但是你少拿IP出来恶心人就好。如果你真这么好奇我就告诉你,报告已经写了,但没有发,现在本来也不准备发。因为报告本来就不是准备公开发出来看的。我只写了英文,中文都没有。的确跟你说的这样,技术分析上面已经有了而动机怎么猜也就是那几个。所以等求闻的分析没有用。WMF在等了两三周之后开始回应媒体,所以外界媒体的报道都集中在五月中旬。BBC挑了一个头之后就打不住了。另一方面,我们发现5月9日+0800下午,GFW有污染扩散到*.wikimedia.org,甚至其他域名的迹象。但一下午之后污染扩散的问题就好了。这些问题发生之后报告就更不可能及时发。既然现在已经一个多月了那就再过一个月等风口过了再看看。外媒普遍猜得也八九不离十,顶多就是细节不对。现在我的想法是把报告和WMC的其他一些材料做在一起,而不是单独发出去。晚发也证明了一点,就是避免报告被炒得太严重拖累求闻和WMC。搞大新闻是有代价的。求闻作为WMC兼具人民日报参考消息和环球时报,你可以把求闻这篇报道理解为替WMC表态了。另外猜多了没有意义,比如我看到有几个人猜求闻这个名字来自《求是》,暗示是WMC的官方出版物,但这些人都猜错了。求闻什么意思都没有,就是我去年底想办个signpost的时候想起来东方求闻史记和求闻口授然后掐头去尾就起了个求闻。猜得太多了没用。CN我没鸽,这两天等书,过几天再去图书馆翻,看来源情况推上GA--Techyan(留言) 2019年5月23日 (四) 15:29 (UTC)
- 活得你这么疑神疑鬼的那真叫辛苦了。我也不是李4,也懒得再去翻李4的事去看。我也查过我用的IP,而且这个IP可以说是我独用的,我也搞不到大学的IP。另外关于污染的行为,只能说我起初就不指望有什么靠谱的分析,至少你所说的时点并不完全正确,至少调查得太晚了。(其实看懂phab:T208263就够了)——路过围观的Sakamotosan | 避免做作,免敬 2019年5月24日 (五) 00:38 (UTC)
- 精分就不好了,话说你怎么查你用的IP的?--Techyan(留言) 2019年5月24日 (五) 05:19 (UTC)
- 有被害妄想的去医院治疗下比较好,别被人呛了就十年怕草蛇。我自己配置的访问链路我怎么不知道IP是啥?——路过围观的Sakamotosan | 避免做作,免敬 2019年5月24日 (五) 05:41 (UTC)
- 我说@Techyan:脑补得也太没谱了吧,这样当管理员可不太好哦。回到正题,技术分析不止我一个想看,虽然之前有过讨论,但总不能叫人翻客栈存档吧?动机写不写无所谓,不过还有一个方面,就是现在从墙内如何访问维基百科?是否需要更新?--留言) 2019年5月29日 (三) 05:15 (UTC)
- 那玩意早就更新了,比香港记者还快- -|b。——路过围观的Sakamotosan | 避免做作,免敬 2019年5月29日 (三) 08:01 (UTC)
- 精分就不好了,话说你怎么查你用的IP的?--Techyan(留言) 2019年5月24日 (五) 05:19 (UTC)
- 活得你这么疑神疑鬼的那真叫辛苦了。我也不是李4,也懒得再去翻李4的事去看。我也查过我用的IP,而且这个IP可以说是我独用的,我也搞不到大学的IP。另外关于污染的行为,只能说我起初就不指望有什么靠谱的分析,至少你所说的时点并不完全正确,至少调查得太晚了。(其实看懂phab:T208263就够了)——路过围观的Sakamotosan | 避免做作,免敬 2019年5月24日 (五) 00:38 (UTC)
- 有句话叫顾左右而言他知道么,我不会真闲的蛋疼封你但是你少拿IP出来恶心人就好。如果你真这么好奇我就告诉你,报告已经写了,但没有发,现在本来也不准备发。因为报告本来就不是准备公开发出来看的。我只写了英文,中文都没有。的确跟你说的这样,技术分析上面已经有了而动机怎么猜也就是那几个。所以等求闻的分析没有用。WMF在等了两三周之后开始回应媒体,所以外界媒体的报道都集中在五月中旬。BBC挑了一个头之后就打不住了。另一方面,我们发现5月9日+0800下午,GFW有污染扩散到*.wikimedia.org,甚至其他域名的迹象。但一下午之后污染扩散的问题就好了。这些问题发生之后报告就更不可能及时发。既然现在已经一个多月了那就再过一个月等风口过了再看看。外媒普遍猜得也八九不离十,顶多就是细节不对。现在我的想法是把报告和WMC的其他一些材料做在一起,而不是单独发出去。晚发也证明了一点,就是避免报告被炒得太严重拖累求闻和WMC。搞大新闻是有代价的。求闻作为WMC兼具人民日报参考消息和环球时报,你可以把求闻这篇报道理解为替WMC表态了。另外猜多了没有意义,比如我看到有几个人猜求闻这个名字来自《求是》,暗示是WMC的官方出版物,但这些人都猜错了。求闻什么意思都没有,就是我去年底想办个signpost的时候想起来东方求闻史记和求闻口授然后掐头去尾就起了个求闻。猜得太多了没用。CN我没鸽,这两天等书,过几天再去图书馆翻,看来源情况推上GA--Techyan(留言) 2019年5月23日 (四) 15:29 (UTC)
- 别乱猜测,毕竟不是一个人在等你的分析。而且做事言出必行,这样子鸽了只会有损威信。正如我所说的,技术分析上面讨论就有,动机的话只能靠猜,甚至我觉得没必要写上去,就不明白,抢新闻就够快了,但写这样的东西就这么麻烦?——路过围观的Sakamotosan | 避免做作,免敬 2019年5月23日 (四) 02:51 (UTC)
- 咱还是研究研究李四吧,我把你IPBE拔了再把普林斯顿大学IP都封了你是不是就挂了?--Techyan(留言) 2019年5月23日 (四) 02:05 (UTC)
- 你喵的你自己写公告会出报告,结果居然鸽了还怪我咯。行行行。你现在CN还不是照样鸽了,CN2是不是不是你开篇的就脸上无光了? 囧rz...——路过围观的Sakamotosan | 避免做作,免敬 2019年5月23日 (四) 00:28 (UTC)
- 所以也是少說政治為好(根據中國大陸的國情),下面那個主題也是,做做自我審查不要緊的……。--MCC214#ex umbra in solem 2019年5月22日 (三) 11:34 (UTC)
- 稍微提醒一下,你所給出的「中华人民共和国网络审查」這個條目按照自我審查的精神也是要被削除的--留言) 2019年6月1日 (六) 06:35 (UTC)
- 这算是你自己承认你是李四了?我说你写CN2抢我饭碗不厚道啊--Techyan(留言) 2019年5月22日 (三) 14:00 (UTC)
- 没关系,看得懂,而且基本上上面技术分析都说得差不多了。动机的话怎样推测都对,毕竟也无法证伪。还是说没写?(笑)——路过围观的Sakamotosan | 避免做作,免敬 2019年5月22日 (三) 01:42 (UTC)
- 没有,不对外发。渣英语就不献丑了。大概意思跟下面MCC214说的差不多。--Techyan(留言) 2019年5月22日 (三) 00:51 (UTC)
- 求链接。。。--留言) 2019年5月20日 (一) 00:28 (UTC)
- 写好了--Techyan(留言) 2019年5月19日 (日) 09:03 (UTC)
- 1988+1年事件三十週年?--MCC214#ex umbra in solem 2019年5月21日 (二) 06:05 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-23
The winner this Translation of the week is en:O Que É Que A Baiana Tem? Please be bold and help to translation this article! O que é que a baiana tem? is a song composed by Dorival Caymmi in 1939 and recorded by Carmen Miranda. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2019年6月3日 (一) 01:57 (UTC) |
Wikidata weekly summary #367
- Events
- Past: Wikidata workshop, May 27th at UIN Maliki, Malang, Indonesia (in collaboration with Faculty of Computer Science, UI) - Slideset link - Press release
- Past: OSM x Wikidata workshop, June 3rd, Taipei, Taiwan
- Upcoming: Wikidata Days 2019, June 7-8th in Lisbon, Portugal.
- Upcoming: Wikidata Lab XVI, June 13th in São Paulo, Brazil
- Upcoming: Wikidata Edit-a-thon during Atla 2019, June 13th, Vancouver, Canada
- Blogpost by RightStatements.org - a system of standardised interoperable rights and reuse information for GLAMs - describing the role and importance of the property P6426.
- Welcome Japan Search to the web of Linked Open Data by Martin Poulter, Bodleian Digital Library
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Shape expressions are now live on Wikidata
- At WikiWoordenboek (Dutch wiktionary) a project titled Widawiwo has begun to explore how the maximal mutual benefit of Wikidata and WikiWoordenboek can be achieved.
- Hauki is a new tool by d:User:Vesihiisi to browse lexicographical data.
- Wikidata trainings & online courses for librarians by WikiEdu
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: ISO speed, f-number, WMI Code, minimum wage, UPA transcription
- External identifiers: speedrun.com game ID, Harper's author ID, Pakistan Railways station code, National Library of Wales Catalogue ID, Arachne building ID, Messes.info Catholic parish ID, The Atlantic author ID, Find NZ Artists ID, Unified Social Credit Identifier, OSZMI ID, MSX Games World ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: motif represents, Shape Expression for class, Album Academicum-identificatiecode, gender educated, ABA League ID, start grade, end grade, digilibLT author ID, IntraText author ID, in defining formula, PHI Latin Texts author ID, associated shape, comparison image, emergency services, Married by
- External identifiers: Rugby League Project ID (general), Hungarian National Namespace, Pakistan EMIS code(s), CCDC Number, swMATH work ID, Czech parliament ID, Tainacan MAI ID, Biographical Dictionary Of Iowa ID, Pro Football Hall of Fame ID (new), euroleague.net coach ID, eurobasket.com coach ID, Who's Who of American Comic Books, PCE Daisakusen ID, Musixmatch artist ID, eBiodiversity ID
- Query examples:
- Gay parades in Italy in 2019
- Map of communes of the French area "Ille-et-Vilaine" which share borders (source)
- Connections between the subject and printing location of Welsh landscape prints (source)
- Dunes in Wikidata (source)
- Co-author network of Journal of Cheminformatics authors (source)
- Map of archives in the world (source)
- Newest database reports: frequent first names in Spain
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Specify license of mediawiki/Wikibase/WikibaseLexeme ontology (phab:T216842)
- Enable bugfix on beta for wbeditentity setting aliases to empty array (phab:T223300)
- Use correct validator in alias changeop and provide error messages if alias is too short (phab:T223311)
- More work on the use of special pages Special:SetAliases and Special:SetLabelDescriptionAliases with aliases containing | character (phab:T223270)
- Add Wikidata query service lag to Wikidata maxlag (phab:T221774)
- Fix BadMethodCallException wbgetentities when getting Lexeme subentities (forms, senses) (phab:T223995)
- Scale the machine learning components of the WDCM system w. {text2vec} WarpLDA implementation (phab:T203366)
- Inspect strange behavior of the WD_percentUsageDashboard (phab:T217994)
- WDCM dashboards maintenance: eliminating the need to use the wdcm.maintable in Hive, WDCM Geo is now independent of it (with its update engine running Spark instead) and re-designed to match the WDCM standards (phab:T217994, phab:T214586, phab:T217997)
- Further preparations for the Wikidata Languages Landscape project (phab:T221965)
- More progress in order to get the mobile service deployed
- Adding an IP edit warning popup for mobile termbox (phab:T221831)
- Allowing users to ignore this popup permanently (phab:T221833)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
This Month in GLAM: May 2019
【《求闻》北京6月3日讯】著名服装品牌The North Face,通常俗称“北脸”,及其所雇佣的一家广告公司被逮到利用维基百科在搜索引擎中的高权重来给自己的品牌进行宣传。
英文维基百科《路标》月刊引述市场宣传领域网媒“广告时代”(Ad age)说,“北脸”公司让李奥贝纳广告公司帮忙替换掉英文维基上某些世界名胜条目里所使用的照片,而被用来替代的照片,是“北脸”有意摆拍的:摆拍的照片里除了该有的世界名胜之外,还有一个穿着”北脸“服饰的人。而在“北脸”和李奥贝纳广告公司合作炮制的照片里,“北脸”的logo总是清晰可见。
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-24
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! The Expedition to Lapland, the northernmost region in Sweden, by Carl Linnaeus in 1732 was an important part of his scientific career. Linnaeus departed from Uppsala and travelled clockwise around the coast of the Gulf of Bothnia over the course of six months, making major inland incursions from Umeå, Luleå and Tornio. His observations became the basis of his book Flora Lapponica (1737) in which Linnaeus’ ideas about nomenclature and classification were first used in a practical way.[2] Linnaeus kept a journal of his expedition which was first published posthumously as an English translation called Lachesis Lapponica: A Tour in Lapland (1811). (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2019年6月10日 (一) 00:53 (UTC) |
Wikidata weekly summary #368
- Events
- Upcoming: Wikidata Edit-a-Thon in Atla, Canada, 13 June 2019
- Upcoming: the Celtic Knot Conference, dedicated to minority languages in the Wikimedia projects, will take place in Penryn, Cornwall, on July 4-5. The program is published and will contain several Wikidata-related sessions. The registration is open
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Batches of Rust - Magnus' improvements to QuickStatements
- Robustifying Scholia — Developing a Wikipedia interface for exploring the research ecosystem
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The W3C Entity Reconciliation Community Group has launched
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: sequenced genome URL, number of hospital beds, related image, taxa found at location, calendar feed URL, calligrapher, replacement property, feed-in tariff
- External identifiers: GLIMS ID, Art Gallery of South Australia creator ID, Art Gallery of South Australia work ID, racing-reference race ID, racing-reference track ID, SportSport.ba player ID, Xikao History ID, Xikao Repertoire ID, Prazdne Domy architect ID, AntWiki article ID, Mediapart tag ID, NWBib ID, University of Amsterdam Album Academicum ID, The Dragon Archive ID, SVT Open archive ID, Australian bank branch ID, Alvin ID, Tainacan MAI ID, GNU ELPA package ID, RFGS person ID, Igromania ID, Czech parliament ID, Dictionary of Irish Biography ID, swMATH work ID, Pinakes author ID, IndicePA ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Married by, Access status, Musixmatch album ID, Antecedent anatomical structure, effective temperature, aperture, surface gravity, historic first
- External identifiers: ECI Lok Sabha constituency code, DR.dk Tag ID, Réunionnais du monde ID, Planilla Códigos Únicos Territoriales (CUT), Doximity ID, dbSNP ID, Bloodhound ID, Xing profile ID, NeoGeoSoft ID, Den Store Danske Encyklopædi ID, MAHG ID, Syriac Biographical Dictionary ID, Ciência ID
- Query examples:
- Items in Japanese museums by British sculptors (federated query with Japan Search) (source)
- Number of items about Australia created over time (source)
- Federated query comparing Wikidata and UK Parliament database, to show differences of more than 10km in locations of UK parliamentary constituencies (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- When typing an item ID on Special:Search, labels are now shown in the suggestion menu
- More work on preparing the migration of wb_terms to the new design
- Add CC0 License overlay popup on termbox editing (phab:T221835)
- Add "You are not logged in" overlay popup on termbox editing (phab:T221831)
- Add the "Remember my choice" checkbox to the "You are not logged in" popup on mobile termbox editing (phab:T221833)
- Add EntitySchema in the license footer (phab:T224536)
- Several improvements to shex simple tools (phab:T221604, phab:T221606)
- Work on an issue with a deleted constraint still appearing on Lexemes (phab:T223372)
- Work on normalistation in the Lua API mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForTitle (phab:T224593)
- Improved tests and fixed failing tests
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
【《求闻》深圳6月12日讯】中文维基百科有史以来第一次在首页横幅、滚动公告栏、更换logo乃至关站一天等显眼方式呼吁或纪念某事就发生在刚刚。新香港用户组在顶部滚动公告栏(Advanced Site Notice,经常简称为ASN)刊登了该组反对《逃犯条例》的声明。
Growth team updates #8
Welcome to the eighth newsletter from the Growth team!
The Growth team's objective is to work on software changes that help retain new contributors in mid-size Wikimedia projects.
May was a busy month, and we apologize for a slightly late newsletter.
General news
- The Growth team will begin to work with the Arabic Wikipedia community as a new target wiki. This is in addition to Korean, Czech, and Vietnamese Wikipedias.
- Several members of the Growth team attended Wikimedia Hackathon. To see what we worked on and learned, read this update (in English).
- Wikimania 2019 is coming up in August. The conference will include a "Community Growth" space, for sessions about how our communities expand through software and programs.
Early results from newcomer homepage release
- The newcomer homepage was deployed in Czech and Korean Wikipedias on May 6 for desktop users. It is deployed in an A/B test, so that half of newcomers have access to the homepage and half do not. They access it by clicking on their username in their personal tools along the top of the window.
- After about a month of usage, we see a few interesting trends. We think that the usage is going well so far, as we continue to work on the feature
- About half of users who visit the homepage click on a link or button.
- About half of users visit the homepage more than once, with about a fifth of users visiting on multiple days.
- Users are interacting with all the different modules on the page -- there is no clear favorite.
- Users have been asking questions to their mentors -- but not on the help desk.
Next steps for homepage
- Because we are seeing good reactions to the homepage from the first users, we are prioritizing work that helps more users find their homepage:
- Mobile homepage: the team is currently building the mobile version of the homepage. We tested this design with five users, giving us confidence that the design is strong.
- Features to aid discovery: only a minority of newcomers who have a homepage will find their homepage on their own. The team is designing features that help newcomers learn where to find their homepage. The most important feature will point to the homepage link using a GuidedTour.
- User tests showed that the most important thing to add to the homepage are clear task recommendations to help newcomers get started with editing right away. This is the module that we will be working on next.
Future of team in the next year
- The Growth team has been working since September 2018, and we're now planning for the work we'll be doing for the next fiscal year, which begins in July.
- Though we have not yet developed a feature that clearly increases growth in our target wikis, we believe that the features we have been developing have high potential to increase growth if we continue to work on them.
- Therefore, the team will continue to work on the features we have started, and we will develop related features that improve the overall newcomer experience. These features may include:
- Improvements to how newcomers can build their user pages and develop their on-wiki identity. See initial notes here.
- Improvements to how newcomers receive notifications on-wiki and through email, so that they quickly find out if other users are contacting them.
- Processes that help newcomers get awards or recognition for good work.
- Ways for newcomers to see the activity on the wiki and find others who share their interests.
- We will start discussions with communities to help us define these ideas before we work on them.
Growth team's newsletter prepared by the Growth team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
2019年6月13日 (四) 09:02 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-25
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! Karin Larsson, née Bergöö, (3 October 1859 – 18 February 1928) was a Swedish artist and designer who collaborated with her husband, Carl Larsson, as well as being often depicted in his paintings. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2019年6月17日 (一) 01:59 (UTC) |
Wikidata weekly summary #369
- Discussions
- New request for comments: Unifying GO activities and enzyme articles
- Events
- Upcoming: ld4-Wikidata Affinity Group call on June 18th
- Upcoming: Wikidata workshop in Paris, France, on June 21st
- Upcoming: Wikidata meetup in Wellington, New Zealand, on June 22nd
- Press, articles, blog posts
- EventKG - the Hub of Event Knowledge on the Web - and Biographical Timeline Generation - Simon Gottschalk, Elena Demidova (in ArXiv)
- Assessing The Factual Accuracy of Generated Text Ben Goodrich, et al. (in ArXiv)
- Enriching Bibliographic Data by Combining String Matching and the Wikidata Knowledge Graph to Improve the Measurement of International Research Collaboration Xuan Nguyen, et al. (in ArXiv)
- Treasured Manuscript collection gets the Wikidata Treatment, on the National Library of Wales' blog
- On the road to joint embedding with Wikidata lexemes? by Finn Årup Nielsen
- Wikipedia and Wikidata user contributions as part of Wikipedia for Peace at Europride Vienna 2019
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata-Toolkit 0.10.0 was released
- New Grafana board: number of edits per namespace
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: title in HTML, title in LaTeX, student organization of, emergency services, average speed
- External identifiers: Pro Football Reference coach ID, Keybase username, Elhuyar Dictionary ID, TV Tropes identifier, ITF tournament ID, Campendium ID, Malaysia company number, abART person ID, abART document ID, abART exhibition ID, abART group ID, abART institution ID, DR.dk topic ID, ABA League ID, Biographical Dictionary Of Iowa ID, CCDC Number, Coco Game List ID, Dimensions grant ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: text of verse, literary motif, scribe.amanuensis or copyist.illuminator, distribution format, phosphorylates, RogerEbert.com film ID, literacy rate, Retrosheets ID
- External identifiers: 7digital United Kingdom artist ID, Metacritic person ID, Nacionālā enciklopēdija, IMVDb artist ID, Offizielle Deutsche Charts artist ID, Charts in France artist ID, VG-lista artist ID, Beatport artist ID, Djshop artist ID, Gaana.com artist ID, Juno Download artist ID, Moov artist ID, Murfie artist ID, Napster artist ID, Qobuz artist ID, YouTube Music channel ID, Bebo profile ID, Steam profile ID, Pandora artist ID, SNBP ID, Fundamental.org Baptist Church ID, EMIS codes for Pakistani provinces, RIAA artist ID, Gambay ID, Facebook Gaming game ID, Cameo ID, Amburger database ID, BVLarramendi, Equipboard artist ID
- Query examples:
- Table of counts of distinct MPs, legislative terms and per constituency P39s for UK parliamentary constituencies, with links to per constituency reports (source)
- Reverse taxon names of 100 mosquitoes (source)
- Five-letter words beginning with "f", from wikidata's lexeme collection (source)
- Péniches in Lyon
- Lexemes ordered according to compound parts (source)
- Airports named after a person, color-coded by gender (source)
- Timeline of the Chief Mousers of 10 Downing Street, with photographs when available
- Newest WikiProjects: European Colonialism
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Grafana now tracks the number of edits per namespace (phab:T218901) and the EntitySchemas on the entity by type board (phab:T216835)
- Fixed a bug Special:MobileDiff for an EntitySchema Revision (phab:T224545)
- Make possible to edit items via wbeditentity when they have same label and description, if the edit is about making them different (phab:T222621)
- Fix a bug on ArticlePlaceholder hook on SpecialSearch (phab:T207235)
- Add CC0 License overlay popup on termbox editing (phab:T221835)
- More maintainance on the WDCM dashboards T214586 (phab:T217997)
- Maintain the WDCM Biases Dashboard to make it fully client-side dependent
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
zhwiki的ORES API已经能用了。可以使用以下脚本尝鲜:
mw.loader.load( '//meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:He7d3r/Tools/ScoredRevisions.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript' );
见上。~ viztor ✪ 2019年6月15日 (六) 22:58 (UTC)
- 今天是2019年6月16日。另外短链接一事技术新闻2019-15早已发过,在隔壁技术版。--进入低产期的Rowingbohe♬Taizhou/Sign 2019年6月16日 (日) 15:11 (UTC)
- 确实有发,不过之前没有对应的WP页面,模板也没有,刚刚加上了。~ viztor ✪ 2019年6月20日 (四) 03:40 (UTC)
- 想起菲菇做的短連結,現在看來很有前瞻性。--章安德魯(留言) 2019年6月23日 (日) 13:34 (UTC)
- 确实有发,不过之前没有对应的WP页面,模板也没有,刚刚加上了。~ viztor ✪ 2019年6月20日 (四) 03:40 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-26
The winner this Translation of the week is en:National Historic Sites of Canada Please be bold and help to translation this article! National Historic Sites of Canada (French: Lieux historiques nationaux du Canada) are places that have been designated by the federal Minister of the Environment on the advice of the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada (HSMBC), as being of national historic significance (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2019年6月24日 (一) 01:06 (UTC) |
Wikidata weekly summary #370
- Discussions
- Closed request for comments: semi-protection to prevent vandalism on most used Items
- Events
- Upcoming: 1st Iberoamerican Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web Conference keynote on Wikidata by José E. Labra Villa Clara, Cuba 24-28 June
- Upcoming: Wikidata meeting for researchers in Sfax University, Tunisia, 25-27 June 2019
- Upcoming: Wikidata meetup in London, June 29th
- Upcoming: July 3rd: UGent Wikidata and Wikibase Workshop 2019
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Demonstrating Spindra: A Geographic Knowledge Graph Management System, Yuhan Sun, et al (in 2019 IEEE 35th International Conference on Data Engineering)
- Comparing DBpedia, Wikidata, and YAGO for Web Information Retrieval, Sini Govinda Pillai, et al.
- WikiDataSets: Standardized sub-graphs from WikiData, Armand Boschin, in ArXiv
- Ordia: A Web application for Wikidata lexemes, Finn Årup Nielsen
- Combining embedding methods for a word intrusion task Finn Årup Nielsen, et al
- Query expansion using Wikidata attributes’ values Sarah Dahir, Abderrahim et al., in ICCWCS'19
- Automatic Question Generation based on MOOC Video Subtitles and Knowledge Graph Lin Ma, Yuchun Ma, in ICIET 2019
- Wikidata as a linked-data hub for Biodiversity data, Andra Waagmeester, et al.
- Using Crowd-curation to Improve Taxon Annotations on the Wikimedia Infrastructure, Andra Waagmeester, et al.
- Using Shape Expressions (ShEx) to Share RDF Data Models and to Guide Curation with Rigorous Validation, et al. Best in-use paper award ESWC
- From “an” Identifier to “the” Identifier, Theo van Veen
- Developing workflows for local authority file conversion from MARC to Wikidata
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Structured Data on Commons: qualifiers for depicts support have been enabled on June 20th
- Result format change for Query Service JSON query output
- Filename scheme for Wikidata RDF entity dumps will change
- The development of Wikidata Bridge (editing Wikidata's data from Wikipedia) started
- CheckShex userscript adds an in-page way of checking if an item fits an Entityschema
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: has written for, motif represents, solar irradiance, effective temperature
- External identifiers: JIS standard, Réunionnais du monde ID, Corporate Number (South Korea), dbSNP ID, digilibIT author ID, Digital Prosopography of the Roman Republic ID, eBiodiversity ID, eurobasket.com coach ID, euroleague.net coach ID, Gamepedia Wiki ID, Hoopla artist ID, Hoopla publisher ID, Latvian National Encyclopedia Online ID, ECI Lok Sabha constituency code, IntraText author ID, Musixmatch artist ID, MAHG ID, Amburger database ID, ATP tennis tournament edition ID, Rugby League Project ID (general), RIAA artist ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: extracted from, Instagram hashtag, Historical Archives of the European Union ID, number of pins, number of pin positions, Representative in legislature, subscribers
- External identifiers: nchdb asset id, Biblioteca Nacional Aruba ID, Bangladesh administrative division code (2017-), Goodreads series ID, Heritage Gazetteer of Cyprus, Retrosheet ID, The DJ List artist ID, BBC artist ID, The Independent topic ID, NME artist ID, Metro topic ID, MangaSeek person ID, Soccerway coach ID, Nederlandse Top 40 artist ID, Dutch Charts artist ID, hitparade.ch artist ID, Aviation Safety Network Wikibase ID, Find & Connect ID, SA Flora ID, ATRF ID, geograph, ArtBrokerage artist ID, Indian gallantry awardee ID, Scandipop topic ID, iTunes movie collection ID, SLNSW unpublished item ID, LB.ua dossier, FPBR person ID, RBF amateur boxer ID, RBF professional boxer ID, Roskomnadzor media license number, 2014 Commonwealth Games athlete ID, Music certifictions ID, El portal de Música artist ID
- Query examples:
- Most commonly used qualifiers on depicts (P180) statements on Wikidata, with top 10 classes or items that each one is used on (source)
- Most commonly used properties connecting military people to military organisations (source)
- Bubblechart of most frequent WMF import sources
- French male first names ending with "ée" (source)
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Australia
- Newest database reports: Property completion by country leaderboard
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Beginning of wb_terms migration (phab:T221764)
- Fixed a bug with phan on Wikibase (phab:T226083)
- Enable bugfix for wbeditentity setting aliases to empty array (phab:T223303)
- Fix an issue with pipe character on some special pages (phab:T223270)
- Fix an issue with removed constraint still displayed on Lexeme (phab:T223372)
- Make edits to EntitySchema pages autopatrolled (phab:T224495)
- Work on creating better edit summaries for wbeditentity API endpoint (phab:T224010)
- Deploy the work environment for new mobile termbox
- Start setting up the technical environment for Wikidata bridge
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
【《求闻》编译组北京6月12日电】基金会“信任与安全”团队(Trust and safety)以基金会行动的方式封禁英文维基百科管理员Fram一事已进入第二天。此事在英文维基百科引发极大轰动,大多数英文维基人认为用户Fram不应该被封禁,且对基金会在过去两天内给出的解释表达强烈不满。有关Fram被禁制一事的讨论页的纯文字wikitext已达500多KB。据Fram本人解释,他被禁制的最后导火索是在英文维基站内说了“操他妈的”(fuck)和“狗屁”(bullshit)。英文维基用户开始向吉米·威尔士的用户讨论页寻求帮助,一些用户甚至主张应该封禁基金会WMFOffice的账号、到WMFOffice的用户讨论页上仿造警告模板“警告基金会”来发泄愤怒。英文维基一管理员根据社群讨论,顶着基金会行动把Fram解封,但Fram数小时后又被基金会封了回去,同时解封Fram的管理员权限被基金会剥夺一个月。此举招致了更大的反对,截止发稿时另一名管理员又解封了Fram,但WMFOffice还没有做出任何动作,可能是因为美国西海岸还没有到上班时间。截至目前,已经有两名英文维基百科管理员表态因为Fram被基金会禁制而准备辞职抗议;另外还有人对基金会的解释极其不满,准备在英文维基鼓动管理员罢工。美国西海岸又一个新工作日即将开始,事态还将出现进一步变化。《求闻》将持续报道有关Fram被禁制一事的情况。
- 据可靠消息,占海特因产后抑郁自杀身亡[來源請求]--留言) 2019年6月14日 (五) 16:14 (UTC)
- 注:Wikipedia:頁面存廢討論/記錄/2019/06/13#Wikipedia:《求闻》/2019年/6月简讯--YFdyh000(留言) 2019年6月14日 (五) 16:29 (UTC)
- “据可靠消息”改成“路边社消息”说不定更合适……[開玩笑的]--№.N(留言) 2019年6月15日 (六) 02:39 (UTC)
- 我還在想怎麼這東西又出現了⋯⋯ —— Eric Liu 編輯次數突破一萬(留言.留名.學生會) 2019年6月15日 (六) 13:11 (UTC)
- 怎麼大量刪除那段違反BLP方針的大量訊息?--john doe 120@霍格華茲膜法學院時間魔法 2019年6月20日 (四) 12:40 (UTC)
- 可以试下从那条讯息里摘取一部分关键字到Special:搜索里搜索,当然限定名字空间要是用户讨论。或者把大量信息发送者在那期间发送的所有信息的永久链接都给找到。--№.N(留言) 2019年6月25日 (二) 08:17 (UTC)
- @John doe 120:经查,该简讯的大量推送发生于2019年6月14日 (五) 14:55 (UTC)。--№.N(留言) 2019年6月25日 (二) 08:30 (UTC)
- 請一位機器用戶刪除那條訊息。--john doe 120@霍格華茲膜法學院時間魔法 2019年6月26日 (三) 03:16 (UTC)
- 可能要删除的不止讯息本身,还有一大堆历史纪录。其实这种事情还不如先爆料给媒体,然后媒体取证证实后再公之于众。当然一切都必须基于事实,将来报道出了偏差可是要负责任的呀!--№.N(留言) 2019年6月26日 (三) 09:35 (UTC)
- 請一位機器用戶刪除那條訊息。--john doe 120@霍格華茲膜法學院時間魔法 2019年6月26日 (三) 03:16 (UTC)
- @John doe 120:经查,该简讯的大量推送发生于2019年6月14日 (五) 14:55 (UTC)。--№.N(留言) 2019年6月25日 (二) 08:30 (UTC)
- 可以试下从那条讯息里摘取一部分关键字到Special:搜索里搜索,当然限定名字空间要是用户讨论。或者把大量信息发送者在那期间发送的所有信息的永久链接都给找到。--№.N(留言) 2019年6月25日 (二) 08:17 (UTC)
The Signpost: 30 June 2019
- Discussion report: A constitutional crisis hits English Wikipedia
- News and notes: Mysterious ban, admin resignations, Wikimedia Thailand rising
- In the media: The disinformation age
- On the bright side: What's making you happy this month?
- Special report: Did Fram harass other editors?
- Traffic report: Juneteenth, Beauty Revealed, and more nuclear disasters
- Technology report: Actors and Bots
- Recent research: What do editors do after being blocked?; the top mathematicians, universities and cancers according to Wikipedia
- From the archives: Women and Wikipedia: the world is watching
- In focus: WikiJournals: A sister project proposal
- Community view: A CEO biography, paid for with taxes