- 為何香港會使用「皇」,這是習慣成自然的結果,並非單純文法的問題。下列都是一些採用「英女皇」或「英皇」的例子:
- 在香港回歸前的紙鈔和郵票、
- 會景巡遊、
- 「英女皇訪港」活動、
- 建築物凡以君主命名者、
- 立法局中文本文件、
- 香港賽馬會的「女皇盃」等等
- 此外,港人也多以「英女皇」來稱呼伊莉莎伯二世,而在2007年在港上映講述女皇伊莉莎伯二世的電影亦稱作《英女皇》,因此以「英女皇」作稱呼是習慣的問題,具一定的普遍性。
- 另外,凡獲英皇給予特許狀之機構,一概附上「皇家」二字。
隨著1997年香港回歸,大英帝國被視為正式走進歷史。英女皇一詞亦順利成章改為英女王。In English, Queen Elizabeth II was never an Empress since India had gained independence and became a republic before her majesty's coronation. Despite that fact, British Empire was still extant in the conventional understanding, even if not de jure, as most of British colonies had still not gained independence. Dominions like Canada, Australia, and Ireland were then still constitutionally attached or dependant on the Imperial Parliament for authority and legitimacy. Therefore, the imperial nature (in the sense of western imperialism) was still very much intact during the first decade or two of her majesty's reign. It is only until the handover of Hong Kong did the era of the British Empire ends de facto and symbolically. Hence, in the eyes of colonial Hong Kong and Hong Kongers who lived through 1997, her majesty was always a 女皇 rather than a 女王. However, would be accurate to refer the Queen as 英女王 in post 1997 conext other than a historical sense. A further illustration using her heir Charles III, presumably, It would be entirely inaccurate to refer to him as 英皇, as he will not have reign over any empire, de jure or de facto.
- (:)回應. You have mistaken a very basic fact. 英女皇/英皇 has never been rendered as "Empress/Emperor" by the Hong Kong authorities. As 英皇道 still stands as it does, I don't see there is any reason to view 1997 as a watershed in this regard. --Clithering(MMXVIII) 2018年9月23日 (日) 06:39 (UTC)
- (:)回應 I was referring to the status of de facto Emperor/Empress. The British Empire was never a legal destination for any state that had ever existed. British monarchs had never used the title of Emperor/Empress in relation to Hong Kong, or indeed anywhere outside of the context of the Indian Empire. The fact remained that Britain was seen, contemporarily and historically, an empire which to, popular and scholarly understanding, came to an end as of 30 June 1997. 英皇 had always translated to King (of the UK), but it was used within the context and against the backdrop the British Empire. I think this explains best the shift from 女皇 to 女王 following 1997. -mdwkf 2018年9月27日 (四) 11:00 (UTC)
- I don't really think there is a shift following 1997 or if that shift does exist, it is insignificant in a way that 英皇道 prevails at the end of the day and the term 女皇 is still frequently used. There may be a linkage between 英皇 and the old British Empire but that may only be one of the many linkages and may not be a predominant one. One can also argue that we render British King as 英皇 for cultural reasons, etc. After all, suggesting 1997 as the end point of the British Empire is likely another empty talk as we can sepnd days or months to debate whether 1945 (end of WWII) or 1957 (Suez Crisis) marked the end of the Empire. --Clithering(MMXVIII) 2018年9月27日 (四) 11:34 (UTC)
mdwkf, please be gently reminded that your edits to article 何熙怡 may have plagiarised this press release issued by the HKSARG. Please suitably review your edits concerned or else I will report your edits to Wikipedia:頁面存廢討論/疑似侵權 accordingly. --Clithering(MMXVIII) 2018年9月27日 (四) 11:44 (UTC)
【資料補充】 你好. 你所舉的例子全正確, 香港一般是說「女皇」
但, 現時不少英國官方/半官方網頁的中文版, 開始多用上「女王」:
不是說不用「女皇」, 只是數量較少:
其他華語地區的政府網頁例子: gov.cn的網頁: 兩個稱號數量差不多: 女皇: 女王:
gov.tw的網頁: 兩個稱號數量差不多: 女皇: 女王:
Dancheng 2007年5月19日 (六) 09:07 (UTC)