Template:Show by date/doc




Code Result
{{show by date|2011|01|01|Show this before 2011|Show this after 2011}} has started Show this after 2011 has started
{{show by date|2012|01|01|Show this before 2012|Show this after 2012}} has started Show this after 2012 has started
{{show by date|2010|09|01|Show this before September 2010|Show this as of September 2010}} Show this as of September 2010
{{show by date|2010|09|06|Show this before 06 Sep 2010|Show this as of 06 Sep 2010}} Show this as of 06 Sep 2010
{{show by date|2010|09|06|Show this before 06 Sep 2010|}}
{{show by date|2010|09|06||Show this as of 06 Sep 2010}} Show this as of 06 Sep 2010
{{show by date|2010|01|23|Show this before 23 Jan 2010|Show this as of 23 Jan 2010}} Show this as of 23 Jan 2010
{{show by date|2010|01|24|Show this before 24 Jan 2010|Show this as of 24 Jan 2010}} Show this as of 24 Jan 2010
{{show by date|2010|01|31|Show this before 31 Jan 2010|Show this as of 31 Jan 2010}} Show this as of 31 Jan 2010
{{show by date|2010|02|28|Show this before 28 Feb 2010|Show this as of 28 Feb 2010}} Show this as of 28 Feb 2010
Note *{{show by date|3000|01|01| lost spacing }}*, and *{{show by date|3000|01|01| workaround }}* Note *lost spacing*, and * workaround *





