NCC-IT(名称来自National Cancer Institute的缩写)是一種睾丸胚胎性癌细胞系,1985年由日本國立癌研究中心的科研人员从一位24岁男性病人中分离而来[1],用于许多癌症研究[2]


  1. ^ Teshima, S; Shimosato, Y; Hirohashi, S; Tome, Y; Hayashi, I; Kanazawa, H; Kakizoe, T. Four new human germ cell tumor cell lines.. Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology. 1988-09, 59 (3): 328–36. PMID 2842544. 
  2. ^ Bignell, GR; Greenman, CD; Davies, H; Butler, AP; Edkins, S; Andrews, JM; Buck, G; Chen, L; Beare, D; Latimer, C; Widaa, S; Hinton, J; Fahey, C; Fu, B; Swamy, S; Dalgliesh, GL; Teh, BT; Deloukas, P; Yang, F; Campbell, PJ; Futreal, PA; Stratton, MR. Signatures of mutation and selection in the cancer genome.. Nature. 2010-02-18, 463 (7283): 893–8. PMID 20164919. doi:10.1038/nature08768. 
