独立游戏节(英文:Independent Games Festival )是每年一度的游戏开发商大会,同是每年的独立电子游戏产业一次盛会。该游戏节于1998年建立,用来资助和激发游戏开发和创新并为发掘出最佳的独立游戏而设立[1] 。独立游戏节已度过了15个春秋,每届奖励独立游戏开发商和学生共达53,000美金。游戏节的奖项的选举工作由CMP Game Group组织以及游戏开发商大会、游戏开发者杂志和Gamasutra.com共同评选产生。独立游戏节最受人关注的就是谢默斯·麦克纳利大奖,是游戏节最高奖项。
- 谢默斯·麦克纳利大奖 ($30,000)
- 最佳美术奖 ($3,000)
- 最佳音效奖 ($3,000)
- 最佳创新奖 ($5,000)
- 最佳叙事奖 ($3,000)
- 最佳学生游戏奖 ($3,000)
- 最佳设计奖 ($3,000)
- 玩家选择奖 ($3,000)
谢默斯·麦克纳利大奖(Seumas McNally Grand Prize)是游戏节的最高奖项,是缘于谢默斯·麦克纳利是一位独立游戏开发者。他曾开发的游戏《越野坦克》获得游戏节最佳游戏大奖。但麦克纳利因罹患何杰金氏病而去世,年仅21岁。在他与病魔斗争的年月里,他仍然继续开发新的游戏,创新游戏特色,他所开发游戏受到很多玩家的欢迎。后来在2001年为纪念这位年轻的独立游戏开发者,独立游戏节将游戏节最高奖项命名为谢默斯·麦克纳利大奖。[2]
- 2024:薇妮巴一家(Venba)[3]
- 2023:在低谷俱乐部的背叛(Betrayal at Club Low)[4]
- 2022:邪恶冥刻(Inscryption)[5]
- 2021:摄追赤红末世代(Umurangi Generation)[6]
- 2020:短途旅行(A Short Hike)[7]
- 2019:奧伯拉丁的回歸(Return of the Obra Dinn)[8]
- 2018:林中之夜(Night in the Woods)
- 2017:四边形牛仔(Quadrilateral Cowboy)
- 2016:她的故事(Her Story)
- 2015:星际拓荒(Outer Wilds)
- 2014:请出示证件(Papers, Please)
- 2013:小贩人生(Cart Life)
- 2012:菲斯(Fez)
- 2011:我的世界(Minecraft)
- 2010:摩纳哥(Monaco)
- 2009:蓝莓果园(Blueberry Garden)
- 2008:蜡笔物理学(Crayon Physics Deluxe)
- 2007:安琪拉之歌(Aquaria)
- 2006:达尔文(Darwinia)
- 2005:史莱姆吉什(Gish)和神话精灵(Wik and the Fable of Souls)
- 2004:野人:纽沃斯之战(Savage: The Battle for Newerth)和绿洲(Oasis)
- 2003:野生世界(Wild Earth)
- 2002:牛奶坏了(Bad Milk)
- 2001:破碎银河系(Shattered Galaxy)
- 2000:越野坦克(Tread Marks)
- 1999:火与暗(Fire And Darkness)
- 2024:凶手系列选集(Anthology of the Killer)[3]
- 2023:在低谷俱乐部的背叛(Betrayal at Club Low)[4]
- 2022:Memory Card[5]
- 2021:Blaseball[6]
- 2020:The Space Between[7]
- 2019:Black Room[8]
- 2018:和班尼特福迪一起攻克难关(Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy)[9]
- 2017:游戏屋 第一部(Oiκοςpiel, Book I)
- 2016:希蓓蕾(Cibele)
- 2015:Tetrageddon Games
- 2014:色欲和傲慢(Luxuria Superbia)
- 2013:小贩人生(Cart Life)
- 2012:说书人(Storyteller)
- 2011:尼德霍格(Nidhogg)
- 2010:Tuning
- 2009:Between
- 2024:Phonopolis[3]
- 2023:角色扮演游戏时间!~光之传说~(RPG Time: The Legend of Wright)[4]
- 2022:纸艺历险(Papetura)[5]
- 2021:黑色起源(Genesis Noir)[6]
- 2020:骑士与单车(Knights and Bikes)[7]
- 2019:镜珠(Mirror Drop)[8]
- 2018:毛线先生(Chuchel)
- 2017:光明旅者(Hyper Light Drifter)
- 2016:Oxenfree
- 2015:字母变形记(Metamorphabet)
- 2014:画中世界(Gorogoa)
- 2013:肯塔基州零號公路(Kentucky Route Zero)
- 2012:亲爱的艾丝特(Dear Esther)
- 2011:像素奔跑者(BIT.TRIP RUNNER)
- 2010:地狱边境(Limbo)
- 2009:机械迷城(Machinarium)
- 2008:菲斯(Fez)
- 2007:城堡毁灭者(Castle Crashers)
- 2006:达尔文(Darwinia)
- 2005:外星原人(Alien Hominid)和神话精灵(Wik and the Fable of Souls)
- 2004:斯巴达人(Spartan)和细菌歼灭战(Dr. Blob's Organism)
- 2003:野生世界(Wild Earth)
- 2002:班查兰棋(Banja Taiyo)
- 2001:哈德伍德黑桃(Hardwood Spades)
- 2000:龙城之王(King of Dragon Pass)
- 1999:罪恶都市(Crime Cities)
- 2024:节奏医生(Rhythm Doctor)[3]
- 2023:森林四重奏(The Forest Quartet)[4]
- 2022:邪恶冥刻(Inscryption)[5]
- 2021:黑色起源(Genesis Noir)[6]
- 2020:变异小镇(Mutazione)[7]
- 2019:互补位(Paratopic)[8]
- 2018:乌诺格(Uurnog Uurlimited)
- 2017:奇界行者(GoNNER)
- 2016:迷你地铁(Mini Metro)
- 2015:蜉蝣(Ephemerid: A Musical Adventure)
- 2014:6号装备(DEVICE 6)
- 2013:140
- 2012:植物精灵(Botanicula)
- 2011:失忆症:黑暗后裔(Amnesia: The Dark Descent)
- 2010:终结(Closure)
- 2009:洗脑管道(Brainpipe)
- 2008:音乐战机(Audiosurf)
- 2007:每日射击(Everyday Shooter)
- 2006:奇异世界:重返无尽太空(Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space)
- 2005:疯狂公牛(Steer Madness)和全球防御系统(Global Defense Network)
- 2004:安尼托:保卫大陆(Anito: Defend a Land Enraged)和细菌歼灭战(Dr. Blob's Organism)
- 2003:地景改造者(Terraformers)
- 2002:牛奶坏了(Bad Milk)
- 2001:追逐王牌2(Chase Ace 2)
- 2000:布利克斯(Blix)
- 1999:终点站(Terminus)
- 2024:Cryptmaster[3]
- 2023:金偶像谜案(The Case of the Golden Idol)[4]
- 2022:邪恶冥刻(Inscryption)[5]
- 2021:拆迁(Teardown)[6]
- 2020:帕特里克的套箱(Patrick's Parabox)[7]
- 2019:杰作(Opus Magnum)[8]
- 2018:巴巴是你(Baba Is You)
- 2017:四边形牛仔(Quadrilateral Cowboy)
- 2016:保持交流就没人爆炸(Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes)
- 2015:星际拓荒(Outer Wilds)
- 2014:请出示证件(Papers, Please)
- 2013:超越光速(FTL: Faster Than Light)
- 2012:洞穴探险(Spelunky)
- 2011:桌面地下城(Desktop Dungeons)
- 2010:摩纳哥(Monaco)
- 2009:音乐盒(Musaic Box)
- 2008:粘粘世界(World of Goo)
- 2007:每日射击(Everyday Shooter)
- 2006:时空幻境(Braid)
- 2005:史莱姆救美记(Gish)和神话精灵(Wik and the Fable of Souls)
- 2004:Bontãgo和绿洲(Oasis)
- 2003:野生世界(Wild Earth)
- 2002:疯狂水族箱(Insaniquarium)
- 2001:破碎银河系(Shattered Galaxy)
- 2000:越野坦克(Tread Marks)
- 1999:复活(Resurrection)
- 2024:地中海地狱(Mediterranea Inferno)[3]
- 2023:传世不朽(Immortality)[4]
- 2022:邪恶冥刻(Inscryption)[5]
- 2021:摄追赤红末世代(Umurangi Generation)[6]
- 2020:天堂之穹(Heaven's Vault)[7]
- 2019:奧伯拉丁的回歸(Return of the Obra Dinn)[8]
- 2018:林中之夜(Night in the Woods)
- 2017:少女杀手的烦恼(Ladykiller in a Bind)
- 2016:她的故事(Her Story)
- 2015:八十天环游世界(80 Days)
- 2014:请出示证件(Papers, Please)
- 2013:小贩人生(Cart Life)
- 2024:RAM: Random Access Mayhem[3]
- 2023:药水经济学(Potionomics)[4]
- 2022:迷你公路(Mini Motorways)[5]
- 2021:尘归尘(Arrog)[6]
- 2020:短途旅行(A Short Hike)[7]
- 2019:飘渺太空(ETHEREAL)[8]
- 2018:蔚藍(Celeste)
- 2017:光明旅者(Hyper Light Drifter)
- 2016:Undertale
- 2015:这是我的战争(This War of Mine)
- 2014:史丹利的寓言(The Stanley Parable)
- 2013:超越光速(FTL: Faster Than Light)
- 2012:冰封触点(Frozen Synapse)
- 2011:我的世界(Minecraft)
- 2010:超神英雄(Heroes of Newerth)
- 2009:表层指挥(Cortex Command)
- 2008:音乐战机(Audiosurf)
- 2007:城堡毁灭者(Castle Crashers)
- 2006:龙梦幻境(Dofus)
- 2005:外星原人(Alien Hominid)和N
- 2004:野人:纽沃斯之战(Savage: The Battle for Newerth)和海盗时代(Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates)
- 2003:造桥者II(Pontifex II)
- 2002:功夫国际象棋(Kung Fu Chess)
- 2001:破碎银河系(Shattered Galaxy)
- 2000:裂痕(The Rift)
- 1999:火与暗(Fire And Darkness)
- 2024:Once Upon a Jester[3]
- 2023:Slider[4]
- 2022:Live Adventure[5]
- 2021:Vessels[6]
- 2020:Bore Dome[7]
- 2019:After Hours[8]
- 2018:巴巴是你(Baba Is You)
- 2017:Un pas fragile
- 2016:小故障(Beglitched)
- 2015:历历在目(Close Your)
- 2014:雨中冒险(Risk of Rain)
- 2013:巅峰(Zineth)
- 2012:Way
- 2009:签名涂鸦:绘画的力量(Tag: The Power of Paint)
- 2008:音乐联觉(Synaesthete)
- 2007:Toblo
- 2013:小小炼狱(Little Inferno)
- 2012:环绕走廊(Antichamber)
- 2011:失忆症:黑暗后裔(Amnesia: The Dark Descent)
- 2010:地狱边境(Limbo)
- 2009:表层指挥(Cortex Command)
- 2008:粘粘世界(World of Goo)
- 2007:砰!你好(Bang! Howdy)
- 2006:达尔文(Darwinia)
- 2005:外星原人(Alien Hominid)和火箭保龄球(RocketBowl)
- 2004:野人:纽沃斯之战(Savage: The Battle for Newerth)和海盗时代(Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates)
- 2003:倪睿南的武士(Reiner Knizia's Samurai)
- 2002:天使杀手(Ace Of Angels)
- 2001:破碎银河系(Shattered Galaxy)
- 2000:越野坦克(Tread Marks)
- 1999:终点站(Terminus)
- 最佳Mod($5,000):Weekday Warrior(半条命2)
- 最佳单人第一人称射击游戏Mod($500):Weekday Warrior(半条命2)
- 最佳多人第一人称射击游戏Mod($500):Eternal Silence(半条命2)
- 最佳角色扮演游戏Mod($500):Darkness Over Daggerford(无冬之夜)
- 最佳其它类游戏Mod($500):Spawns Of Deflebub(竞技场2004)
- 最佳Mod - 毁灭战士3($2,500):Last Man Standing Co-op
- 最佳Mod - 半条命2($2,500):Dystopia
- 最佳Mod - 无冬之夜($2,500):Rose Of Eternity: Chapter 1
- 最佳Mod - 竞技场2004($2,500):Path Of Vengeance
- 2019:ID@Xbox游戏英雄奖:傑瑞·勞森(Jerry Lawson)[8]
- 2018:ID@Xbox奖:SpecialEffect
- 2016:ID@Xbox明日之星奖:女孩做游戏(Girls Make Games)——“The Hole Story”
- 2012:Microsoft Xbox Live Arcade奖:超时空战队(Super T.I.M.E. Force)
- 2011:Direct2Drive眼光奖:失忆症:黑暗后裔(Amnesia: The Dark Descent)
- 2010:Direct2Drive眼光奖:麦克斯与魔法标记(Max and the Magic Marker)
- 2009:Direct2Drive眼光奖:星噬(Osmos)
- 2008:Gleemie奖(1x $5,000,1x $3,000,1x $2,000):桌面攻防战(Desktop Tower Defense),Skyrates,Quadradius
- 2007:GameTap奖(1x $10,000,2 x $5,000):每日射击(Everyday Shooter),爆破矿工(Blast Miner)和机甲闪击(Roboblitz)
- 2006:Adultswim.com奖($5,000):Dodge That Anvil
- 2005:Cartoon Network“Project Goldmaster”奖:Digital Builders
- 2004:AOL/Cartoon Network“Project Goldmaster”奖:Flashbang Studios
- ^ "About the IGF (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)", www.IGF.com.
- ^ 5月刊:独立游戏节(IGF)作品赏析. [2008-11-30]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10).
- ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Castle, Katharine. Venba wins IGF Grand Prize for 2024. Rock, Paper, Shotgun. 2024-03-21 [2024-03-22]. (原始内容存档于2024-03-21).
- ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Castle, Katharine. Betrayal At Club Low wins IGF Grand Prize. Rock, Paper, Shotgun. 2023-03-23 [2023-03-26]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-26).
- ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Inscryption wins 4 awards, including Seumas McNally Grand Prize, at 2022 IGF Awards. Game Develpoer. 2022-03-24 [2022-03-24]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-24).
- ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 Umurangi Generation leads the way at the 23rd annual Independent Games Festival Awards. Gamasutra. 2021-07-21 [2021-07-21]. (原始内容存档于2021-08-25).
- ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 A Short Hike wins Grand Prize at the 2020 Independent Games Festival!. Gamasutra. 2020-03-18 [2020-03-18]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-21).
- ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 Return of the Obra Dinn takes Grand Prize at the 21st IGF Awards!. Gamasutra. 2019-03-20 [2019-03-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-13).
- ^ Chan, Stephanie. Night in the Woods wins the grand prize at the Independent Games Festival. VentureBeat. 2018-03-21 [2018-03-21]. (原始内容存档于2018-03-22).