



  • 利奧·克拉克(Leo Clarke),82歲,澳大利亞梅特蘭-紐卡斯爾的澳大利亞羅馬天主教主教,1976-1995年。[15]
  • 布萊恩·杜克(Brian Duke),79歲,出生於烏干達的熱帶病專家,曾幫助數百萬人免於河盲症。[16]
  • 約翰尼·格蘭德(Johnny Grande),76歲,美國鋼琴家,比爾·海利(Bill Haley)的伴奏樂隊The Comets的成員。癌症引起的併發症。[17]
  • 喬治·卡什丹(George Kashdan),78歲,美國漫畫作家和編輯(《神秘屋》、《海王》、《洛克中士》)。[18]
  • Doug Serrurier,85歲,南非前大獎賽賽車手和製造商。[19]
  • 亞歷克·佈雷貢齊(Alec Bregonzi),76歲,英國演員。[20]
  • 比爾·弗萊明(Bill Fleming),92歲,美國職業棒球大聯盟(MLB)波士頓紅襪隊和芝加哥小熊隊的投手[21]
  • 羅恩·鐘斯(Ron Jones),41歲,美國職業棒球大聯盟球員,腦出血。[22]
  • 理查·卡普(Richard Kapp),69歲,美國指揮家,愛樂樂團創始人。[23]
  • 約翰·科爾,46歲,英國足球運動員(特蘭米爾流浪者)。[24]
  • Fulvia Mammi,79歲,義大利女演員(《反法》)。[25]
  • 安東尼·馬雷科(Anthony Marreco),90歲,英國大律師,紐倫堡審判的初級律師,國際特赦組織的創始成員。[26]
  • 約翰·羅蘭茲爵士,90歲,英國空軍元帥和喬治十字勳章獲得者。[27]
  • 威廉·M·斯蒂格(William M. Steger),85歲,美國地方法院法官,1960年德克薩斯州州長共和黨候選人。[28]
  • 弗雷德里克·弗蘭克(Frederick Franck),97歲,荷蘭藝術家、作家和牙醫。[29]
  • 伊莉莎白·弗雷特韋爾(Elizabeth Fretwell),85歲,澳大利亞歌劇歌手,以與薩德勒威爾斯公司(Sadler's Wells)的表演而聞名。[30]
  • 埃裡克·格雷格(Eric Gregg),55歲,美國前美國職業棒球大聯盟裁判,中風。[31]
  • 愛德華·莫耶斯(Edward L. Moyers),77歲,美國鐵路高管。[32]
  • 現年86歲的羅伯特·羅斯(Robert Ross)是美國肌肉萎縮症協會(Muscular Dystrophy Association)的領導人,已有44年的歷史,他說服傑里·路易斯(Jerry Lewis)每年舉辦一次電視馬拉松,為肌肉萎縮症籌集資金,髖部骨折的併發症。[33]
  • 哈雷·拉特利奇(Harley Rutledge),80歲,美國物理學家和不明飛行物學家。[34]
  • 胡達·蘇丹(Huda Sultan),80歲,埃及女演員,癌症。[35]
  • 阿布·穆萨布·扎卡维(Abu Musab al-Zarqawi),39歲,伊拉克基地組織的約旦領導人,美國軍事打擊。[43]
  • 謝赫·阿卜杜勒·拉赫曼(Sheik Abd-Al-Rahman),伊拉克基地組織的精神顧問,美國軍事打擊。[44]
  • 羅伊·布萊恩(Roy Brain),79歲,澳大利亞板球運動員。[45]
  • 特裡·麥肯(Terry McCann),74歲,美國摔跤手,奧運會自由式摔跤金牌得主,並説明創立了美國摔跤協會,Toastmasters International的退休執行董事,癌症。[46]
  • 英戈·普雷明格(Ingo Preminger),95歲,出生於奧地利的美國好萊塢藝人經紀人和製片人(M*A*S*H),奧托·普雷明格(Otto Preminger)的兄弟。[47][48]
  • 米奇·西姆斯(Mickey Sims),51歲,美式橄欖球防守鏟球手,前克利夫蘭布朗隊球員,心臟病發作。[49]
  • 現年92歲的路易士·B·索恩(Louis B. Sohn)出生於烏克蘭,是國際法學者,他説明起草了《聯合國憲章》。[50]
  • 約翰·坦塔(又名“地震”),42歲,加拿大世界摔跤聯合會職業摔跤手,膀胱癌。[51]
  • Kinga Choszcz 又名“自由精神”,波蘭作家(《命運的引導:環遊世界的搭便車》),腦瘧疾。[61]
  • Drafi Deutscher,60歲,德國歌手。
  • 73歲的加拿大參議員邁克爾·福雷斯托爾(Michael Forrestall)因呼吸問題住院后去世。[62]
  • 派翠夏·雅努斯(Patricia Janus),74歲,美國詩人,因肝癌引起的心臟病發作。
  • 恩佐·西西利亞諾(Enzo Siciliano),72歲,義大利作家,糖尿病患者。[63]
  • Vern Williams,76歲,美國藍草曼陀林演奏家和歌手。[64]
  • 卡迪·阿卜杜勒·卡里姆·阿卜杜拉·阿拉希,72歲,葉門政治家,北葉門前總統。[65]
  • Hubertus Czernin,50歲,奧地利記者,曾幫助歸還被納粹掠奪的畫作,患有肥大細胞增多症。[66]
  • Moe Drabowsky,70歲,波蘭出生的美國職業棒球大聯盟球員,多發性骨髓瘤。[67]
  • 德國人Goldenshteyn,71歲,出生於比薩拉比亞的單簧管演奏家和克萊茲默音樂家。[68]
  • Wulff-Dieter Heintz,76歲,斯沃斯莫爾學院的德國天文學家。[69]
  • 肯尼斯·傑克(Kenneth Jack),81歲,澳大利亞藝術家。[70]
  • 查理斯·詹森(Charles Johnson),96歲,芝加哥美國巨人隊(Chicago American Giants)的美國黑人聯盟棒球運動員,前列腺癌併發症。[71]
  • 彼得·道格拉斯·甘迺迪(Peter Douglas Kennedy),83歲,英國民俗學家。[72]
  • 菲力浦·梅里爾(Philip Merrill),72歲,美國出版商和外交官,自殺。[73]
  • 魯迪·湯瑪斯(Ruddy Thomas),54歲,牙買加歌手,心臟病發作。[74]
  • 邁克爾·巴托什(Michael Bartosh),28歲,美國Mac OS X Server專家,因摔倒而受傷。[75]
  • 歐內斯特·亞瑟·貝爾(Ernest Arthur Bell),79歲,英國生物化學家,邱園皇家植物園主任。[76]
  • 詹姆斯·卡梅倫(James Cameron),92歲,美國民權活動家,美國黑人大屠殺博物館創始人,淋巴瘤。[77]
  • Neroli Fairhall,61歲,紐西蘭截癱射箭運動員和奧運會選手。[78]
  • Rolande Falcinelli,86歲,法國管風琴家和作曲家。[79]
  • 蒂姆·希爾德布蘭特(Tim Hildebrandt),67歲,美國藝術家,糖尿病併發症。[80]
  • 休·拉蒂默(Hugh Latimer),93歲,英國演員和玩具製造商。[81]
  • Mike Quarry,55歲,美國輕重量級拳擊手,挑戰鮑勃·福斯特(Bob Foster)的冠軍頭銜,好鬥性失智。[82]
  • 布魯斯·尚德,89歲,英國陸軍軍官,康沃爾公爵夫人卡米拉的父親,威爾士親王查理斯的岳父,癌症。[83]
  • 安娜·李·奧爾德雷德(Anna Lee Aldred),85歲,美國騎師,美國第一位獲得騎師執照的女性,國家女牛仔名人堂成員。[84]
  • 安德魯·威廉·巴爾(Andrew William “Nicky” Barr),90歲,澳大利亞橄欖球聯盟球員和二戰戰鬥機飛行員[85]
  • Chakufwa Chihana,67歲,馬拉威政治家,反對派人士,競選總統失敗,輸給了Bakili Muluzi,腦瘤。[86]
  • György Ligeti,83歲,匈牙利作曲家。[87]
  • 何塞·萊特·洛佩斯(José Leite Lopes),87歲,巴西物理學家。[88]
  • 肯尼斯·湯姆森(Kenneth Thomson),弗利特第二代湯姆森男爵,82歲,加拿大億萬富翁,媒體大亨和藝術收藏家。可能的心臟病發作。[89]
  • 諾瑪·貝克爾(Norma Becker),76歲,美國反戰活動家,反戰者聯盟前主席。[111]
  • Cláudio Besserman Vianna (Bussunda),43歲,巴西喜劇演員,Casseta & Planeta成員,心臟病發作[112]
  • 亞瑟·法蘭茨(Arthur Franz),86歲,美國角色演員(硫磺島之沙,來自火星的入侵者),肺氣腫和心臟病。[113][114]
  • 米哈伊爾·拉普申(Mikhail Lapshin),71歲,俄羅斯政治家,農業黨領袖,阿爾泰共和國前總統(2002-2006年),原因不明。[115]
  • 查理斯·奧爾德(Charles Older),88歲,美國洛杉磯高等法院法官,主持查理斯·曼森(Charles Manson)審判,跌倒併發症。[116][117]
  • 阿卜杜勒-哈利姆·賽杜拉耶夫(Abdul-Khalim Saydullayev),38歲或39歲,車臣分離主義叛亂領導人。[118]
  • 宿澤廣朗,55歲,日本橄欖球聯盟教練,心臟病發作。[119]
  • 朱利安·斯萊德(Julian Slade),76歲,英國作曲家和Salad Days的作詞家,癌症。[120]
  • 鮑勃·韋弗(Bob Weaver),77歲,美國電視台佛羅里達的天氣預報員,在WTVJ上被稱為「天氣預報員韋弗」,癌症。[121]
  • 盧克·貝爾頓(Luke Belton),87歲,愛爾蘭政治家。[122]
  • 休伯特·科恩菲爾德(Hubert Cornfield),77歲,好萊塢的土耳其電影導演(《翌日之夜》、《Les Grandes Moyens》等)。[123]
  • 小納撒尼爾·尼曼·克雷利(Nathaniel Neiman Craley, Jr.),78歲,美國政治家,前美國眾議院民主黨議員(1965-67),來自賓夕法尼亞州。[124]
  • Jesus Fuertes,68歲,西班牙畫家,巴勃羅·畢卡索(Pablo Picasso)的門徒,心臟病發作。[125]
  • Chris 和 Cru Kahui,3 個月大,紐西蘭兒童兇殺案受害者。[126]
  • Gică Petrescu,91歲,羅馬尼亞歌手。[127]
  • 大衛·普爾爵士,68歲,英國法官。[128]
  • 唐納德·賴利(Donald Reilly),72歲,美國漫畫家(《紐約客》),癌症。[129]
  • René Renou,54歲,法國葡萄酒商,INAO總裁。[130]
  • Netta Rheinberg,94歲,英國板球運動員。[131]
  • 文森特·謝爾曼(Vincent Sherman),99歲,美國電影導演(斯凱芬頓先生,《年輕的費城人》),自然原因。[132]
  • 理查·斯塔爾(Richard Stahl),74歲,美國演員(朝九晚五,密西西比幽靈,五件小事),帕金森病。[133]
  • 瑪德琳·聖約翰(Madeleine St John),64歲,澳大利亞小說家,1997年寫了一本入圍布克獎的書,肺氣腫。[134]
  • 休·貝爾德(Hugh Baird),76歲,蘇格蘭足球運動員,效力於利茲聯隊、亞伯丁隊、艾爾德里昂人和蘇格蘭隊。[135]
  • 杜安·羅蘭(Duane Roland),53歲,美國吉他手,搖滾樂隊Molly Hatchet的創始人。[136]
  • 霍華德·沙內特(Howard Shanet),87歲,美國指揮家和作曲家。[137]
  • Arthur Yap,64歲,新加坡詩人、藝術家、新加坡大學英語系講師,喉癌。[138]
  • 莫裡斯·貝文(Maurice Bevan),85歲,英國低音男中音。[139]
  • 比爾·丹尼爾,90歲,美國政治家,前關島總督。[140]
  • 伊芙琳·杜布羅(Evelyn Dubrow),95歲,美國婦女和勞工宣導者,於1999年被授予總統自由勳章。[141]
  • 比利·詹森(Billy Johnson),87歲,美國職業棒球運動員,前紐約洋基隊和全明星三壘手,原因未給出。[142]
  • E·皮爾斯·馬歇爾(E. Pierce Marshall),67歲,美國商人,J·霍華德·馬歇爾(J. Howard Marshall)和安娜·妮可·史密斯(Anna Nicole Smith)的繼子的兒子,原告在他們的繼承不和,侵略性感染。[143]
  • 威廉·舒克利夫(William Shurcliff),97歲,美國物理學家,幫助研製了原子彈。[144]
  • 克萊德斯·查理斯·史密斯(Claydes Charles Smith),57歲,美國音樂家,Kool and the Gang的聯合創始人兼主音吉他手。[145]
  • 西奧·貝爾(Theo Bell),52歲,美國國家橄欖球聯盟(American National Football League)在匹茲堡鋼人隊(Pittsburgh Steelers)和坦帕灣海盜隊(Tampa Bay Buccaneers)的頭槌,患有腎臟疾病和硬皮病。[146]
  • Vern Leroy Bullough,77歲,美國醫學史學家,以護理史而聞名,癌症。[147]
  • 鄧尼斯·福爾(Denis Faul),73歲,愛爾蘭羅馬天主教神父,迷宮監獄前牧師,直言不諱的《麻煩》批評者,也是試圖結束1981年北愛爾蘭愛爾蘭絕食抗議的關鍵人物,癌症。[148]
  • 雅克·蘭茲曼(Jacques Lanzmann),79歲,法國作家、編輯和詞曲作者。[149]
  • 哈米斯·奧貝迪(Khamis al-Obeidi),39歲,萨达姆·侯赛因(Saddam Hussein)的伊拉克辯護律師,被綁架並被槍殺。[150]
  • 大衛·沃爾頓,43歲,英國經濟學家,英格蘭銀行貨幣政策委員會成員[151]
  • 喬納森·華茲華斯(Jonathan Wordsworth),73歲,英國學者,浪漫主义學者,華茲華斯基金會主席。[152]




  • 馬丁·阿德勒(Martin Adler),47歲,瑞典記者。在索馬里摩加迪休被身份不明的襲擊者槍殺。[158]
  • 格雷迪·詹森(Grady Johnson),66歲,美國世界自然基金會(WWF)摔跤手,被稱為“瘋狂”的盧克·格雷厄姆(Luke Graham);心力衰竭。[159]
  • Budhi Kunderan,66歲,印度板球運動員,守門員/擊球手,肺癌。[160]
  • Basil O'Ferrall,81歲,愛爾蘭聖公會牧師,澤西島院長(1985-1993)。[161]
  • 湯姆·佩利(Tom Pelly),70歲,澳大利亞足球運動員(北墨爾本)。[162]
  • Aaron Spelling,83歲,美國電視製片人(霹靂嬌娃Starsky and Hutch飛越贝弗利),中風併發症。[163]


  • 哈麗雅特,176歲,加拉帕戈斯象龜,被認為是世界上第三古老的動物,據稱由查理斯·達爾文擁有,心力衰竭。[164]
  • 丹妮絲·丹頓,46歲,美國教授,加州大學聖克魯茲分校校長,自殺。[165]
  • Tichaona Jokonya,67歲,辛巴威政治家,資訊與宣傳部長,心臟驟停。[166]
  • Patsy Ramsey,49歲,美國選美冠軍,JonBenét Ramsey的母親,卵巢癌。[167]
  • 萊爾·斯圖爾特(Lyle Stuart),83歲,美國記者和出版商。[168]
  • 傑拉爾德·湯姆林森(Gerald Tomlinson),73歲,美國懸疑和棒球作家。[169]
  • Ric Weiland,53歲,美國Microsoft先驅,開發了BASIC,COBOL和Microsoft Works,自殺。 [170]
  • 83 歲的英國電視製片人 Elkan Allan 創建了 Ready Steady Go!,並在星期日泰晤士報上為英國開發了第一批電視節目表。[171]
  • Eliyahu Asheri,18歲,以色列平民,在約旦河西岸城市拉馬拉被武裝分子綁架和殺害。[172]
  • 查理斯·巴羅,84歲,美國德克薩斯州最高法院前大法官。[173]
  • 理查·德沃爾,73歲,美國陶藝家,肺癌。[174]
  • 肯尼斯·格裡菲斯(Kenneth Griffith),84歲,威爾士演員和紀錄片製作人,帕金森病。[175]
  • 阿克巴爾·海珊(Akbar Hossain),65歲,孟加拉國航運部長,1971年孟加拉國解放戰爭的英雄,心臟病發作。[176]
  • 歐文·卡普蘭斯基(Irving Kaplansky),89歲,芝加哥大學美國數學家。[177]
  • Dibya Khaling,56歲,尼泊爾音樂家、作曲家和作詞家,負責1000首歌曲,心臟驟停。[178]
  • Arif Mardin,74歲,土耳其裔美國格萊美獎得主,胰腺癌。[179]
  • 蘇菲·馬斯洛,95歲,美國編舞家。[180]
  • Gad Navon,84歲,摩洛哥出生,前以色列首席軍事拉比,癌症。[181]
  • 雅普·彭拉特(Jaap Penraat),88歲,荷蘭建築師,二戰期間荷蘭抵抗運動成員。[182]
  • Seema Aissen Weatherwax,100歲,烏克蘭攝影師。[183]


  • 熊 JJ1 (Bruno the Bear),德國 170 年來的第一隻野熊,被槍殺。[184]


  • 保利諾·迪亞茲(Paulino Díaz),71歲,墨西哥體育射擊運動員。[185]
  • 約翰尼·詹金斯(Johnny Jenkins),67歲,美國藍調吉他手,影響了奧蒂斯·雷丁(Otis Redding)和吉米·亨德里克斯(Jimi Hendrix)。[186][187]
  • 斯里蘭卡軍官、斯裡蘭卡陸軍副參謀長 Parami Kulatunga,炸彈爆炸。[188]
  • 弗雷德里克·梅耶(Frederick Mayer),84歲,德國教育哲學家,創造力專家,《教育思想史》的作者。
  • 埃裡克·羅菲斯(Eric Rofes),51歲,美國作家和愛滋病教育家,心臟病發作。[189]
  • 斯坦·托格森(Stan Torgerson),82歲,美國Ole Miss足球和籃球比賽的廣播播音員。[190]
  • Jeff Winkless,65歲,美國配音演員,腦瘤。
  • 吉姆·貝恩(Jim Baen),62歲,美國科幻小說編輯和出版商。[197]
  • Vikram Dharma,44/45,印度電影特技導演。[198]
  • 現年81歲的西奧多·萊維特(Theodore Levitt)出生於德國,曾任《哈佛商業評論》(Harvard Business Review)編輯,也是行銷書籍的作者,他創造了“全球化”一詞。[199]
  • 海布里的勞埃德男爵夫人瓊·勞埃德(June Lloyd,Baroness Lloyd of Highbury),78歲,英國兒科醫生和生活同齡人。[200]
  • 馬哈茂德·梅斯蒂里(Mahmoud Mestiri),77歲,突尼西亞外交官和政治家,前外交部長。[115]
  • 喬治·佩奇(George Page),71歲,美國電視節目主持人,PBS系列節目《自然》的創作者和敘述者。[201]
  • 彼得·羅林森(Peter Rawlinson),尤厄爾男爵羅林森(Baron Rawlinson),87歲,英國大律師,政治家和作家。[202]
  • 費爾南多·桑切斯(Fernando Sanchez),70歲,比利時出生的時裝設計師。[203]
  • 喬治·昂溫(George Unwin),93歲,英國飛行員和英國皇家空軍軍官,不列顛之戰飛行王牌。[204]
  • Lennie Weinrib,71歲,美國配音演員(H.R. Pufnstuf,蝙蝠俠新冒險,史酷比和鬥志昂揚)。[205]


  1. ^ Professor Emeritus Radu Balescu - Obituary. EFDA-JET. 2 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于11 April 2007). 
  2. ^ Dr. Frederick S. Billig
  3. ^ Becker, Jerry P. Sad News - S. Iyanaga [Japan]. The Math Forum. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. 13 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  4. ^ Eaude, Michael. Rocío Jurado: Flamboyant Spanish singer, she lived her life in the public eye. The Guardian. 2 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  5. ^ Allan Prior. The Times. 6 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于4 June 2011). 
  6. ^ Jack Shelton. ESPNcricinfo. [24 April 2018]. 
  7. ^ Memorial for Bill Winn. University of Washington. 7 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于17 June 2006). 
  8. ^ Vosburgh, Dick. Ronnie Cass: Unstoppable composer. The Independent. 1 August 2006 [22 April 2018]. 
  9. ^ Major Roy Farran. The Daily Telegraph. 5 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  10. ^ Martin, Douglas. Bernard Loomis, 82, Dies; Made Toys TV Stars. The New York Times. 6 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  11. ^ Canadian Theatre Encyclopedia. www.canadiantheatre.com. [2019-08-25]. 
  12. ^ Wykes, Sara. Grateful Dead keyboard player Vince Welnick dies. The Mercury News. 2 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于20 June 2006). 
  13. ^ 'American Bandstand' director dies. Yahoo! News. 6 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于June 18, 2006). 
  14. ^ Умер скульптор Вячеслав Клыков. Lenta.ru. 2 June 2006 [24 April 2018] (俄语). 
  15. ^ Death of Maitland-Newcastle's Bishop Leo Clarke. Catholic News. 6 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  16. ^ Brian Duke. The Times. 29 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于4 June 2011). 
  17. ^ Johnny Grande: Original member of Bill Haley and His Comets. The Independent. 5 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  18. ^ Evanier, Mark. George Kashdan, R.I.P.. News From Me. 8 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于17 June 2006). 
  19. ^ SA racing legend dies. IOL. 6 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  20. ^ McGillivray, David. Alec Bregonzi. The Guardian. 8 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  21. ^ Society for American Baseball Research
  22. ^ Phillies Notes: Sad news. The Philadelphia Inquirer. 12 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于June 23, 2006). 
  23. ^ Wakin, Daniel J. Richard Kapp, 69, Innovative Conductor, Is Dead. The New York Times. 6 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  24. ^ Phillips, Terry. Mourners pay tribute to academy boss Kerr. South Wales Echo. 21 June 2006 [24 April 2018] –通过TheFreeLibrary. 
  25. ^ Jenner Meletti. Se n' è andata Fulvia Mammi l' anima vera della Lyda Borelli. La Repubblica. 6 June 2006: 1, 5 [25 July 2022]. 
  26. ^ Anthony Marreco. The Daily Telegraph. 7 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  27. ^ Condell, Diana. Air Marshall Sir John Rowlands, GC. The Guardian. 28 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  28. ^ Federal judge Steger dies in Tyler. Houston Chronicle. 5 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  29. ^ Hevesi, Dennis. Frederick Franck, Who Explored Spirituality Through Art, Dies at 97. The New York Times. 18 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  30. ^ Forbes, Elizabeth. Elizabeth Fretwell: Sadler's Wells prima donna. The Independent. 9 July 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  31. ^ Goldstein, Richard. Eric Gregg, Umpire Who Battled Weight Problems, Dies at 55. The New York Times. 6 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  32. ^ Moyers Jr., Edward L.. Chicago Tribune. 8 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  33. ^ Ducote, Richard; Sweet, Ken. Ross, MDA leader for 44 years, dies at 86. Arizona Daily Star. [24 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于26 June 2006). 
  34. ^ Greaney, T.J. Area UFO expert Dr. Harley Rutledge, 80, dies. Southeast Missourian. 6 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  35. ^ Leading Egyptian actress dies
  36. ^ Professor Leslie Alcock. The Daily Telegraph. 15 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  37. ^ OBITUARIO: María Teresa López Boegeholz. Gayana (Concepción). 2006, 70 (2). doi:10.4067/S0717-65382006000200001 . 
  38. ^ Grundberg, Andy. Arnold Newman, Portrait Photographer Who Captured the Essence of His Subjects, Dies at 88. The New York Times. 7 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  39. ^ Pareles, Jon. Billy Preston, 59, Soul Musician, Is Dead; Renowned Keyboardist and Collaborator. The New York Times. 7 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  40. ^ Keepnews, Peter. Hilton Ruiz, 54, Pianist Fluent in Jazz and Latin Rhythms, Dies. The New York Times. 7 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  41. ^ French World War I vet dies at 109. Yahoo! News. 7 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于18 June 2006). 
  42. ^ Kalil, M. Best-selling author of book on serial killer kills himself. Las Vegas Review-Journal. 13 June 2006 [20 October 2011]. 
  43. ^ U.S. military: Al-Zarqawi was alive after bombing. CNN. 9 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  44. ^ Zarqawi death a 'significant blow' to al-Qaida. The Guardian. 8 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  45. ^ Roy Brain. ESPN CricInfo. [24 April 2018]. 
  46. ^ Olympic wrestling gold medalist dies. Monsters and Critics. 9 June 2006 [1 July 2006]. (原始内容存档于18 June 2006). 
  47. ^ Ingo Preminger, 95, Talent Agent, Dies. The New York Times. 14 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  48. ^ Ingo Preminger, "MASH" producer and literary agent, dies at 95. The Mercury News. 18 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于19 June 2006). 
  49. ^ Mickey Sims. Cleveland.com. (原始内容存档于7 June 2011). 
  50. ^ Sullivan, Patricia. International Law Expert Louis Sohn. The Washington Post. 14 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  51. ^ John "Earthquake" Tenta passes away. World Wrestling Entertainment. 7 June 2006 [1 July 2006]. (原始内容存档于8 July 2006). 
  52. ^ Dozois, Pamela. S.Y.'s Jake Copass, The Last Cowboy, dies. Lompoc Record. 11 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  53. ^ Robert Donner. Variety. 12 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  54. ^ Spurgeon, Tom. Jack Jackson, 1941-2006. The Comics Reporter. 10 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  55. ^ Composer Mykola Kolessa deceased. Ukrainian Studies.org. 12 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  56. ^ Watson, John H. Fr Matta El Meskeen: Radical Coptic Orthodox monk. The Independent. 26 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  57. ^ Multiplex founder John Roberts dies. The Age. 8 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  58. ^ IAF strike kills top PA official. Ynetnews. 9 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  59. ^ Fox, Margalit. T. W. Seelye, 84, Ambassador and Mideast Expert, Dies. New York Times. 15 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  60. ^ Sir Peter Smithers. The Daily Telegraph. 10 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  61. ^ On the camel to haven. Kinga Freespirit. 27 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于2007-02-18). 
  62. ^ Senator Forrestall dies at 73. CBC News. 9 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  63. ^ Morto a Roma lo scrittore Enzo Siciliano. Corriere della Sera. 9 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  64. ^ Lewis, Laurie. Tribute to Vern Williams. Cybergrass. 10 June 2006 [3 July 2006]. (原始内容存档于3 November 2006). 
  65. ^ Former North Yemen president Al-Arashi dies. Yemen Times. 27 September 2007 [24 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于27 September 2007). 
  66. ^ Hubertus Czernin, 50, Reporter Who Helped Recover Stolen Art. The New York Times. 16 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  67. ^ Ordine, Bill. O's Series hero was prankster, too. The Baltimore Sun. 11 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  68. ^ Fox, Margalit. German Goldenshteyn, 71, Clarinetist and Keeper of the Klezmer Flame, Dies. The New York Times. 16 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  69. ^ W. D. Heintz, 76, Dies; Studied Double Stars. The New York Times. 18 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  70. ^ Fenwick, Simon. Kenneth Jack: Artist who recorded a vanishing world in the Australian outback. The Independent. 18 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  71. ^ Charles Johnson, 96; Former Player in the Negro Leagues. Los Angeles Times. 19 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  72. ^ Schofield, Derek. Peter Kennedy. The Guardian. 19 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  73. ^ Gold, Lauren. Philip Merrill '55, publisher, statesman, philanthropist, is presumed dead in sailing accident. Cornell Chronicle. 15 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  74. ^ Evans, Teino. JCDC finalist Ruddy Thomas dies on stage. The Gleaner. 12 June 2006 [1 July 2006]. (原始内容存档于1 July 2006). 
  75. ^ Cohen, Peter. Mac author Michael Bartosh dies. Macworld. 12 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于July 2, 2006). 
  76. ^ Arthur Bell. The Daily Telegraph. 27 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  77. ^ Fredrix, Emily. Founder of Black Holocaust Museum dies. Yahoo! News. 11 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于18 June 2006). 
  78. ^ Tributes flow for archery legend Fairhall. The New Zealand Herald. 13 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  79. ^ Rolande Falcinelli has died. Magle International Music Forum. 12 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  80. ^ Singh, Arune. Legendary Artist Tim Hildebrandt Has Passed Away. Comic Book Resources. 12 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于15 June 2006). 
  81. ^ Hugh Latimer. The Daily Telegraph. 24 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  82. ^ Former light heavyweight boxer Mike Quarry dies. ESPN. 13 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  83. ^ Camilla's father Bruce Shand dies. BBC News. 11 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  84. ^ Anna Lee Aldred, 85, Hall of Fame Cowgirl, Dies. The New York Times. 5 July 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  85. ^ Legendary Nicky Barr dies. Planet Rugby. 13 June 2006 [1 July 2006]. (原始内容存档于18 June 2006). 
  86. ^ Tenthani, Raphael. Chihana 'liberated Malawi from dictatorship'. Mail & Guardian. 12 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  87. ^ Page, Tim. Gyorgy Ligeti's Music Was a Constant Surprise. The Washington Post. 13 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  88. ^ Caruso, Francisco. José Leite Lopes: In memoriam. Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas. 13 July 2006 [24 April 2018] –通过ResearchGate. 
  89. ^ Media mogul Kenneth Thomson dies at 82. CTV.ca. 15 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于15 June 2006). 
  90. ^ Music Bits: Gorman dies. EURWeb.com. 15 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于1 July 2006). 
  91. ^ Ex-Irish Taoiseach Haughey dies. BBC News. 13 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  92. ^ Noted conductor dies at 73. CNN. 13 June 2006 [1 July 2006]. (原始内容存档于18 June 2006). 
  93. ^ Johnson, Patricia. Sculptor Luis Jimenez dies. Houston Chronicle. 14 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  94. ^ Burke Riley, signer of AK constitution, dead at 92. Juneau Empire. 14 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于April 24, 2018). 
  95. ^ Olympics medallist Shepherd dies. SuperBoxing.co.za. 15 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于30 September 2006). 
  96. ^ B-movie Giant Dies. Contactmusic.com. 4 August 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  97. ^ Punjab nightingale Surinder Kaur dies. Zee News. 16 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  98. ^ Wilford, John Noble. Craig Morris, a Towering Figure in Inca Expeditions, Dies at 66. The New York Times. 16 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  99. ^ Pasamonik, Didier. Mort de Jean Roba, le papa de "Boule & Bill". ActuaBD.com. 14 June 2006 [24 April 2018] (法语). 
  100. ^ James Speed Obituary (1915-2006). Winston-Salem Journal. June 16, 2006 [October 15, 2022]. 
  101. ^ S'a spenta la voce di Betty Curtis. TgCom24. 16 June 2006 [24 April 2018] (意大利语). 
  102. ^ Belgian comic Raymond Devos dies. BBC News. 15 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  103. ^ Maštalíř, Linda. Jan Langos, former dissident and post-1989 Czechoslovak Interior Minister, dies in an automobile accident. Radio Praha. 16 June 2016 [24 April 2018]. 
  104. ^ Olympedia - Carlos Tovar. olympedia.org. OlyMADMen. [21 January 2023]. 
  105. ^ Roland Boyes: Photographer and Labour MP. The Independent. 20 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  106. ^ Schudel, Matt. N.Y. Review of Books Founder Barbara Epstein. The Washington Post. 19 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  107. ^ Nelson, Valerie J. Arthur Malvin, 83; Lyricist, Composer Won Two Emmys. Los Angeles Times. 26 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  108. ^ Cheney, Peter. Fatal Attraction. The Globe and Mail. 22 July 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  109. ^ Daphne Osborne. The Times. 27 July 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  110. ^ Zmarł Igor Śmiałowski. Fakty TVN. 16 June 2006 [1 July 2006]. (原始内容存档于20 June 2006) (波兰语). 
  111. ^ Hevesi, Dennis. Norma Becker, 76, Organizer of Opposition to the Vietnam War, Is Dead. The New York Times. 27 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  112. ^ Comedian dies covering World Cup. BBC News. 17 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  113. ^ Arthur Franz, Film and Television Actor, 86, Is Dead. The New York Times. 21 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  114. ^ Thurber, Jon. Arthur Franz, 86; He Played the Friendly Guy in Movies and on TV. Los Angeles Times. 19 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  115. ^ 115.0 115.1 June 2006. Rulers.org. [24 April 2018]. 
  116. ^ Martin, Douglas. Charles H. Older, 88, Judge Who Presided at Manson Trial, Dies. The New York Times. 21 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  117. ^ LA Judge Charles Older, presided over Manson trial, dies at 88. The Mercury News. Associated Press. 20 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于22 June 2006). 
  118. ^ Rebel leader 'killed' in Chechnya. BBC News. 17 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  119. ^ Ex-Japan coach Shukuzawa dies. Japan Times Online. 19 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  120. ^ Barker, Dennis. Julian Slade. The Guardian. 20 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  121. ^ Jicha, Tom; Johnson, Akilah. TV's Bob Weaver, Was 77. Sun-Sentinel. 18 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于April 27, 2018). 
  122. ^ Two former TDs turned publicans die. Irish Examiner. 20 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  123. ^ Hubert Cornfield, 77; 'B'-movie director and screenwriter. Los Angeles Times. 21 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  124. ^ Craley, Nathaniel Neiman, Jr., (1927-2006). Biographical Directory of the U.S. Congress. [24 April 2018]. 
  125. ^ Spanish cubist Jesus Fuertes dies in Miami. Today.com. 21 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  126. ^ Bremner, Nicole. Kahui case 10 years on: The moment Chris Kahui murder verdict is read out. Television New Zealand. 16 June 2016 [24 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于April 27, 2018). 
  127. ^ Dragomir, Bogdan. Gică Petrescu – un cântăreț de legendă. Radio România Regional. 16 June 2016 [24 April 2018] (罗马尼亚语). 
  128. ^ Sir David Poole. The Times. 14 August 2006 [24 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于12 March 2007). 
  129. ^ Fox, Margalit. Donald Reilly, a Cartoonist for New Yorker, Dies at 72. The New York Times. 20 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  130. ^ Anson, Jane. Head of INAO, Rene Renou, dies. Decanter.com. 20 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于1 July 2006). 
  131. ^ Netta Rheinberg dies aged 94. ESPNcricinfo. 24 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  132. ^ Berkvist, Robert. Vincent Sherman, Studio-Era Hollywood Director, Dies at 99. The New York Times. 21 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  133. ^ Richard Stahl, Film and Television Actor, 74, Is Dead. The New York Times. The Associated Press. 23 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  134. ^ Writer exposed British mores: Madeleine St John, 1941-2006. The Sydney Morning Herald. 29 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  135. ^ Hugh Baird. The Herald. 23 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  136. ^ Molly Hatchet guitarist Duane Roland dies. United Press International. 23 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  137. ^ Kozinn, Allan. Howard Shanet, 87, a Conductor and Composer, Dies. The New York Times. 22 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  138. ^ Arthur Yap died last night. Sayoni :: To Empower Asian Queer Women. 20 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于4 March 2016). 
  139. ^ Maurice Bevan. The Daily Telegraph. 21 July 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  140. ^ Bill Daniel, former governor of Guam, dead at 90. The Honolulu Advertiser. 21 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  141. ^ Greenhouse, Steven. Evelyn Dubrow, Labor Lobbyist, Dies at 95. The New York Times. 22 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  142. ^ Vitty, Cort. Billy Johnson. Society for American Baseball Research. [24 April 2018]. 
  143. ^ Minaya, Zeke. Texas oilman E. Pierce Marshall, 67, dies. Houston Chronicle. 23 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  144. ^ Wald, Matthew L. William A. Shurcliff, Who Helped Develop Atomic Bomb, Dies at 97. The New York Times. 28 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  145. ^ Claydes Charles Smith, 57; Co-Founder of '70s Group Kool & the Gang. Los Angeles Times. 23 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  146. ^ Axelrod, Phil. Obituary: Theo Bell, Former Steelers wide receiver. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. 23 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  147. ^ Pearce, Jeremy. Vern Leroy Bullough, 77, Noted Medical Historian, Dies. The New York Times. 3 July 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  148. ^ Human rights campaigner Denis Faul dies. Irish Examiner. 21 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  149. ^ Perrone, Pierre. Jacques Lanzmann: Novelist, lyricist and editor of 'Lui'. The Independent. 3 July 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  150. ^ Burns, John F.; Hauser, Christine. Third Lawyer in Hussein Trial Is Killed. The New York Times. 21 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  151. ^ Bank of England policymaker dies. BBC News. 22 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  152. ^ Wordsworth Trust leader mourned. BBC News. 23 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  153. ^ Noble, Holcomb B. Heinz Ansbacher, 101, Adlerian Psychology Expert, Dies. The New York Times. 24 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  154. ^ Blues scene remembers 'real deal' Back Alley John. Canada.com. 28 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于4 November 2012). 
  155. ^ Maj-Gen Lord Monckton of Brenchley. The Daily Telegraph. 1 July 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  156. ^ Graham, John. Obituary: Sir Michael Weir. The Guardian. 2 July 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  157. ^ Frasier's dog Eddie dies aged 16. BBC News. 28 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  158. ^ TV man shot dead in Somalia. CNN. 23 June 2006 [1 July 2006]. (原始内容存档于25 June 2006). 
  159. ^ Johnson, Steven. "Crazy" Luke remembered fondly. SLAM! Sports Wrestling. 24 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 原始内容存档于July 14, 2012. 
  160. ^ Budhi Kunderan dies at the age of 66. ESPN CricInfo. 23 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  161. ^ Death notice: O'Ferrall. The Irish Times. 1 July 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  162. ^ Tom Pelly - Player Bio. Australian Football.com. [24 April 2018]. 
  163. ^ Carter, Bill. Aaron Spelling, Prolific Television Producer, Dies at 83. The New York Times. 24 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  164. ^ Harriet the tortoise dies. ABC News. 23 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  165. ^ Vega, Cecilia M.; Van Derbeken, Jaxon. UC Santa Cruz chancellor jumps to her death in S.F.. San Francisco Chronicle. 24 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  166. ^ Nyasha, Taurai. Zimbabwe's Information Minister, Tichaona Jokonya, dies. Association of Zimbabwe Journalists. 24 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于9 October 2007). 
  167. ^ Mother of JonBenet Ramsey Dead at 49. ABC News. 25 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  168. ^ Ramirez, Anthony. Lyle Stuart, Publisher of Renegade Titles, Dies at 83. The New York Times. 26 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  169. ^ Gerald Tomlinson. Star-Gazette. [2018-09-13]. (原始内容存档于2007-09-28). 
  170. ^ Eaton, Nick. Ric Weiland, 1953-2006: Microsoft pioneer a major benefactor. Seattle Post-Intelligencer. 29 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  171. ^ Lyndon, Neil. Elkan Allan. The Guardian. 30 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  172. ^ Migrant's kidnapped son found executed. The Age. 30 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  173. ^ Baylor Mourns Former Law Dean and 'Legal Giant' Justice Charles W. Barrow. Baylor University. 27 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  174. ^ MacMillian, Kyle. Artist DeVore transcended clay’s limits. The Denver Post. 27 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  175. ^ Actor Kenneth Griffith dies at 84. BBC News. 25 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  176. ^ Shipping Minister Akbar Hossain dies of cardiac arrest. Bdnews24.com. 25 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  177. ^ Pearce, Jeremy. Irving Kaplansky, 89, a Pioneer in Mathematical Exploration, Dies. The New York Times. 13 July 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  178. ^ Noted Musician Dibya Khaling Dies At 56. The Himalayan Times. 26 June 2006 [1 July 2006]. (原始内容存档于27 October 2007). 
  179. ^ Music producer Mardin dies at 74. BBC News. 26 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  180. ^ Anderson, Jack. Choreographer, Sophie Maslow, Dies at 95. The New York Times. 26 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  181. ^ Former Chief Military Rabbi Gad Navon dies. Ynetnews. 25 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  182. ^ Martin, Douglas. Jaap Penraat Dies at 88; Saved Hundreds in Holocaust. The New York Times. 2 July 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  183. ^ Seema Aissen Weatherwax. Santa Cruz Sentinel. 29 June 2006 [24 April 2018] –通过Legacy.com. 
  184. ^ Bruno the bear shot dead in Alps. BBC News. 26 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  185. ^ Paulino Díaz. Sports Reference. [24 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于18 April 2020). 
  186. ^ Bernstein, Adam. Guitarist Johnny Jenkins; Aided Otis Redding. The Washington Post. 29 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  187. ^ Johnny Jenkins, 67, Whose Style Inspired Hendrix, Dies. The New York Times. 30 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  188. ^ Sri Lanka general killed in blast. BBC News. 26 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  189. ^ Martin, Douglas. Eric Rofes, Commentator on Gay Issues, Dies at 51. The New York Times. 29 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  190. ^ Time stills 'Voice of Ole Miss'. The Meridian Star. 26 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  191. ^ Leigh, Spencer. Eileen Barton: Singer of 'I'd've Baked a Cake'. The Independent. 3 July 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  192. ^ US TV chef Carrier dies aged 82. BBC News. 27 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  193. ^ J. Robert Elliott, 96; Judge in My Lai Case. The Washington Post. 29 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  194. ^ Vice-Admiral Sir Ged Mansfield. The Daily Telegraph. 18 July 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  195. ^ Fallece a los 80 años la pedagoga Marta Mata, presidenta del Consejo Escolar del Estado (西班牙語)
  196. ^ Graczyk, Michael. Serial killer facing execution Tuesday. The Dallas Morning News. 28 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于30 September 2007). 
  197. ^ Rourke, Mary. Jim Baen, 62; Science Fiction Publisher Pioneered Web Sales. Los Angeles Times. 4 July 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  198. ^ Vikram Dharma (I) (–2006). Internet Movie Database. [24 April 2018]. 
  199. ^ Feder, Barnaby J. Theodore Levitt, 81, Who Coined the Term 'Globalization', Is Dead. The New York Times. 6 July 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  200. ^ Obituary: Lady Lloyd of Highbury. The Guardian. 2006-07-10. (原始内容存档于2023-04-26). 
  201. ^ Hevesi, Dennis. George Page Dies at 71; Creator and Host of PBS's 'Nature'. The New York Times. 2 July 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  202. ^ Lord Rawlinson of Ewell. The Daily Telegraph. 29 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  203. ^ Wilson, Eric. Fernando Sanchez, Fashion Innovator, Is Dead at 70. The New York Times. 3 July 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  204. ^ Wing Commander George Unwin. The Times. 29 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于11 March 2007). 
  205. ^ Voice Actor Lennie "Pufnstuf" Weinrib Dies at 71. Animation World Network. 29 June 2006 [1 July 2006]. (原始内容存档于29 August 2006). 
  206. ^ Harley, Kevin. Fabian Bielinsky: Director of 'Nine Queens'. The Independent. 19 July 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  207. ^ Noted rationalist Edamaruku passes away. Daily News and Analysis. 29 June 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  208. ^ Dyer, Richard. Joyce Hatto, at 77; pianist was prolific recording artist. The Boston Globe. 4 July 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  209. ^ Obituary for Le Mans Winner Ed Hugus. Sports Car Market.com. 17 July 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  210. ^ Sullivan, Patricia. Stanley M. Moskowitz, 68; Twice CIA Liaison to Congress. The Washington Post. 1 July 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  211. ^ Wallace Potts, 59, Nureyev Film Archivist, Is Dead. The New York Times. 11 July 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  212. ^ Robertson, Campbell. Lloyd Richards, Theater Director and Cultivator of Playwrights, Is Dead at 87. The New York Times. 1 July 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  213. ^ Fox, Margalit. Pierre A. Rinfret, 82, Who Lost to Cuomo in '90 Race, Dies. The New York Times. 6 July 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  214. ^ Northwestern's Walker dead at 52. ESPN. 3 July 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  215. ^ Holley, Joe. F. Mark Wyatt; CIA Agent and Sometimes Critic. The Washington Post. 10 July 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  216. ^ Spiegel, Hubert. Zum Tod Robert Gernhardts: Gevatter Tod war nur der Gehilfe dieses Dichters. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. 30 June 2006 [24 April 2018] (德语). 
  217. ^ Schudel, Matt. Decorated Veteran Edward Hamilton. The Washington Post. 4 July 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  218. ^ Prial, Frank J. Harold Olmo, 96, Who Created Many Grape Varieties, Is Dead. The New York Times. 12 July 2006 [24 April 2018]. 
  219. ^ Hignell, Andrew. Richard Streeton - a brief tribute. Association of Cricket Statisticians & Historians. [17 July 2006]. (原始内容存档于16 February 2007). 
  220. ^ Ross Tompkins, 68, 'Tonight' Show Pianist, Is Dead. The New York Times. 9 July 2006 [24 April 2018].