過捕是一種當掠食者獵殺的獵物比牠們能立即使用的還多時展現的行為。牠們可能消耗一部分,儲存或放棄獵物,這種行為已在浮游生物、豆娘若蟲、補食蟎、鼬、蜜獾、狼、虎鯨、赤狐、斑鬣狗、蜘蛛、棕熊、猞猁、貂和家貓中觀察到。這個詞是由荷蘭生物學家Hans Kruuk在研究非洲的斑鬣狗[1]和英國的赤狐[2]後發明的。
- ^ Kruuk, Hans. The Spotted Hyena: A study of predation and social behaviour. 1972: 335. ISBN 0-563-20844-9.
- ^ Macdonald, David. Running with the Fox. 1987: 224. ISBN 0-04-440199-X.
- Jennifer L. Maupin and Susan Reichert, Superfluous killing in spiders (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆).
- Joseph K. Gaydos, Stephen Raverty,Robin W. Baird, and Richard W. Osborne, SUSPECTED SURPLUS KILLING OF HARBOR SEAL PUPS (PHOCA VITULINA) BY KILLER WHALES (ORCINUS ORCA) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆).
- William G. George and Timothy Kimmel, A Slaughter of Mice by Common Crows.
- [失效連結]Wolf Trust, Wolf Depredation-Surplus Killing'.
- Wildlife Online: Foxes-Surplus Killing, Why do foxes kill to excess... (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆).
- For Wolves: Ralph Maughan Wolf Report, Jackson Trio makes some surplus kills (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆).
- High Country News, Zachary Smith, Wolf pack wiped out for ‘surplus killing’.
- Victor Van Ballenberghe, Technical Information on Wolf Ecology and Wolf/Prey Relationships.
- Ned Rozell, Far North Grizzlies Develop Taste for Muskoxen.
- Pierre-Yves Daoust, Andrew Boyne, Ted D’Eon, Surplus killing of Roseate Terns and Common Terns by a mink.