羅奇代爾(英語:Rochdale)是位於英國英格蘭大曼徹斯特郡的一座城市[1],在行政區劃上屬於羅奇代爾都市自治市,總人口有95,796人。羅奇代爾歷史上屬蘭開夏郡,在19世紀時曾是一座工業城市,但現在則是一座住宅城市。羅奇代爾市政廳竣工於1871年,是英國一級保護建築,也是維多利亞時期哥特復興式建築的典範[2] 罗奇代尔也是英国合作社运动的诞生地。[3]。
- ^ Greater Manchester Gazetteer. Greater Manchester County Record Office. Places names – O to R. [9 July 2007]. (原始内容存档于2011年7月18日).
- ^ Cunningham, C. Victorian & Edwardian Town Halls. London: Routeledge. 1981.
- ^ Rochdale – The Birthplace of Co-operation (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Retrieved 1 January 2006.
- Nicholls, Robert. Curiosities of Greater Manchester. Sutton Publishing. 2004. ISBN 0-7509-3661-4.
- www.rochdale.gov.uk Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council website.
- www.pennineland.co.uk Development Arm of Rochdale Development Agency (RDA) Uniting Private & Public Sector to support the Regeneration of Rochdale Borough
- www.statsandmaps.co.uk Stats and Maps is the Rochdale Borough statistics and maps website. It is a shared evidence based that provides quick and easy on-line access to data, information, and intelligence about the borough of Rochdale, and aims to meet the needs of the local community, LSP partners, and the general public