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白垃圾(英語:white trash)是美国英语裡对贫穷白人,特别是对美国南方乡村地区(1980年代後,北方的銹帶也漸漸被納入此一範疇)白人的贬称。它被用來區分「高尚勤勞」的「好窮人」和「懶惰、無紀律、忘恩負義、令人作嘔」的「壞窮人」。这个词语暗示较低的社会阶层和不体面的生活方式。在使用这个词的时候,人们往往特指一些生活在社会边缘和草根阶层、与主流所推崇的政治正确相左、被视为社会不稳定因素的人。他们行事任性、言语粗鲁、反智自负、极易冲动,对权威、法律、公德和他人权益缺乏尊重,行为随心所欲不可预测,并常与种族歧视、斗殴家暴、性生活混乱和乱伦、宗教极端思想和邪教、阴谋论、酗酒吸毒和犯罪等恶劣行为沾边[1]。这个词一般被用来攻击别人,不过也有人以此自嘲,如2008年的幽默书《白垃圾妈妈的掌中宝:拥抱你内心的拖车公园,忘记完美,拒绝被家长联盟同化,保持理智并坚持幽默》[2]。
- Redneck——主要是針對各个农业区的鄉村白人
- Cracker——乔治亚州和弗罗里达州的贫穷白人
- Hillbilly——阿巴拉契亚山区的贫穷白人
- Okie——俄克拉何马州的贫穷白人[3]。
- 拖車垃圾-住在移動式住宅中的貧窮白人。
White trash 一词最早在1830年代流行起来,这个词来自当时黑人奴隶对贫穷白人的蔑称[5]。在《不够白:白垃圾和白人的边界》一书中,作者认为“白垃圾”一词来自1830年代的华盛顿地区,当穷苦白人抢走黑人工作的时候,黑人用这个词称呼他们(讽刺他们作为白人在各方面都有优先权,本来有更好的工作机会,却沦落到抢黑人的饭碗)[6]。通常,貧窮白人能在南方最糟糕的土地上定居,因為最好的土地被大大小小的奴隸主奪走了。他們在沙質、沼澤或灌木叢覆蓋的松樹不適合農業的土地上生活和生存,他們中的許多人是佃農或臨時工,但其他人被逼以拾荒者、小偷和流浪漢的身份生活,但所有人,無論他們是否工作,都受到“體面”白人社會的社會排斥,被迫在進入“正確”房屋時使用後門。甚至奴隸也看不起他們:當白人窮人來要食物時,奴隸們稱他們為“流浪羊。
美国黑人常用“白垃圾”一词攻击白人[11][12] [13],特别是在被称为“黑鬼”的时候[14]。也有些黑人父母把这个观念灌输给小孩[15]。这个词也常出现在黑人口头文学中[16]。根据这些故事,当没外人听到的时候,黑人奴隶们会说:某个恶劣的监工“连白垃圾都不如”,“待人太残酷了”[17]。
在英格兰地区,“chav”、“charver”和“scally”等贬义俚语常被用去形容日常穿着运动服的底层反社会青年[18],而“chavette”则是用来形容同等素质的女性,“chavvy”、“chavvish”、“chavtastic”等俗语形容词是由此衍生的派生词[19]。这个词的来源众说纷纭,据说源自罗姆语中的“chavi”,意思是“儿童”[19][20],而衍生的形容词“chavvy”至少在19世纪就已经出现。辞书学家埃里克·帕特里奇(Eric Partridge,1894~1979)在其著作《英语俗语大词典》(A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English)的1950年版中将出现日期定于1860年左右[21]。
在苏格兰,“ned”一词是“没教养的少年犯”(non-educated delinquent)的缩略词[22][23],用来形容流氓、莽汉和小偷小摸者[24][25][26][27]。牛津线上词典将其起源定于19世纪早期[28]。
在加拿大,“hoser”或“hose-head”是常见的针对白人男性的贬义称呼[30],因为演员里克·莫拉尼斯(Rick Moranis)和戴夫·托马斯(Dave Thomas)的喜剧小品而盛行[31][32]。
“Bogan”一词的具体词源不明,在《麦考瑞字典》和《澳大利亚牛津字典》中都标署为“未知”[40]。一些悉尼老居民回忆称此词来源于过去对悉尼大西区社会经济地位都较低的居民的歧视性称呼,说这些“西区佬”(蔑称“Westies”)蛮化程度与文明社会的差距就如同新南威尔士西部的博甘河(Bogan River)与悉尼市区一样偏远。但另一种说法则认为这个词在1970年代晚期和1980年代初期先出现在墨尔本穷人居住的西区和东区外郊。在1980年代后期,因为喜剧小品电视剧《喜剧公司》(The Comedy Company)的播出,这个词变得家喻户晓[41],甚至了虚构一版恶搞《时尚》(Vogue)的杂志叫《Bogue》专门展示下层市井的形象。 澳大利亚国家字典中心(Australian National Dictionary Centre)于1991年将此词正式收录[41]并声称可确认的最早使用记录是在冲浪杂志《Tracks》1985年9月的一刊中[41]。在2019年,澳大利亚国立大学发表的一篇文章声明由历史学家海伦·道尔(Helen Doyle)发现的最早使用记录来自于1984年墨尔本泽维尔学院(Xavier College)学生杂志中的一篇文章[42]。
在2006年,社会分析家大卫·乔克(David Chalke)用“cashed-up bogan”(简称“CUB”)来形容出身蓝领阶层、见识狭隘、但因有一技之长变得富裕后进行炫耀性消费的暴发户。媒体曾用网球选手莱顿·休伊特(Lleyton Hewitt)和他奉子成婚的演员妻子贝克·卡特赖特(Bec Cartwright)为例[43],而南澳巴罗莎山谷的酒庄则借机推出了一款名叫“Bogan”的西拉葡萄酒。
- ^ Matt Wray, Not Quite White: White Trash and the Boundaries of Whiteness (2006) p. 2
- ^ See also Ernest Mickler White Trash Cooking (1986); Kendra Morris, White Trash Gatherings: From-Scratch Cooking for down-Home Entertaining (2006); Verne Edstrom, White Trash Etiquette: The Definitive Guide to Upscale Trailer Park Manners (2006); Bill Marbry, Talkin' White Trash (2011). [
- ^ Wray (2006) page x.
- ^ Wray, Not Quite White (2006) pp. 79, 102
- ^ Fannie Kemble, Journal (1835) p. 81
- ^ Matt Wray, Not Quite White: White Trash and the Boundaries of Whiteness (2006) pp 42-44
- ^ Wray (2006) pp 57-58
- ^ Annalee Newitz & Matthew Wray, What is White Trash?, in Whiteness: a Critical Reader, Mike Hill, ed., (NYU Press, 1997), pg. 170.
- ^ Sherrie A. Inness, Secret ingredients: race, gender, and class at the dinner table (2006) p. 147
- ^ Erik Bledsoe, "The Rise of Southern Redneck and White Trash Writers," Southern Cultures。 (2000) 6#1 pp. 68-90 in Project MUSE (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- ^ William Julius Wilson in Ernest Cashmore and James Jennings, eds. Racism: essential readings (2001) p. 188
- ^ Philip C. Kolin, Contemporary African American Women Playwrights (2007) p. 29
- ^ David R. Roediger, Take Black on white: Black writers on what it means to be white (1999) pp. 13, 123
- ^ Philip C. Kolin, Contemporary African American Women Playwrights (2007) p. 29
- ^ Festus E. Obiakor, Bridgie Alexis Ford, Creating Successful Learning Environments for African-American Learners With Exceptionalities (2002) p. 198
- ^ Anand Prahlad, The Greenwood encyclopedia of African American folklore (2006) Volume 2 p. 966
- ^ Claude H. Nolen, African American Southerners in Slavery, Civil War and Reconstruction (2005) p. 81
- ^
- Definition of chav in Oxford Dictionaries (British & World English). [2013-05-30]. (原始内容存档于2 September 2013).
- Stop using chav: it's deeply offensive. Fabian Society. [30 May 2013]. (原始内容存档于12 January 2012).
- Crystal, David. Chav. Keep Your English Up To date. BBC World Service. [1 October 2013]. (原始内容存档于28 February 2015).
- Heath, Olivia. Neets, asbos and chavs: labels of age discrimination. The Guardian. 19 June 2011 [13 April 2012]. (原始内容存档于4 November 2013).
- ^ 19.0 19.1 UK | 'Asbo' and 'chav' make dictionary. BBC News. 8 June 2005 [2011-08-13]. (原始内容存档于10 November 2005).
- ^ Quinion, Michael. Chav. World Wide Words. [2009-02-23]. (原始内容存档于15 April 2006).
- ^ Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English Third. New York: The MacMillan Company. 1950: 143.
- ^ Dr Alistair Fraser. Programm Note: NEDS. Glasgow Film Theatre. 2011 [5 February 2011]. (原始内容存档于26 July 2011).
- ^ Holyrood urged to protect 'neds'. BBC News. 5 June 2003 [6 February 2011]. (原始内容存档于7 December 2008).
- ^ ned. Dictionary of the Scots Language. [25 August 2011]. (原始内容存档于27 August 2011).
- ^ BBC News - Ned arrives - it's official 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期7 June 2004., 12 July 2001, retrieved 8 May 2006
- ^ BBC News - Neds make it into the dictionary 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期19 May 2006., 9 June 2005, reporting definition in Collins English Dictionary; retrieved 8 May 2006
- ^ Middle class kids 'attracted to ned and chav culture' 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期12 November 2018.. BBC News. 10 September 2012. Retrieved 10 August 2013.
- ^ Oxford English Dictionary, definition of "ned", retrieved 1 June 2011. [1 June 2011]. (原始内容存档于20 July 2011).
- ^ Coleman, Julie. The Life of Slang. Oxford University Press. 2012: 276 [2021-09-26]. ISBN 9780191630729. (原始内容存档于2021-05-02).
- ^ Rawlings-Way, Charles; Karneef, Natalie. Toronto . Lonely Planet Publications. 2007: 20 [2010-12-22]. ISBN 978-1-74059-835-4.
Hoser Canadian slang.
- ^ Raymond, Eric S. The New Hacker's Dictionary 3rd. MIT Press. 1999: 249 [2010-12-22]. ISBN 0-262-18178-9.
- ^ Great White North: Mouse in a Bottle. SCTV. [2021-09-26]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-29) –通过YouTube.
- ^ 33.0 33.1 33.2 Sean Hutchinson. Where Does the Word "Hoser" Come From?. Mental Floss. July 1, 2013 [December 2, 2013]. (原始内容存档于2021-08-17).
- ^ Elrick B Davis, "Paul Bunyan Talk," American Speech, Vol. 17, No. 4 (Dec., 1942), p. 222.
- ^ bogan noun – Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary at OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com. www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com. [26 February 2017]. (原始内容存档于2019-08-09) (英语).
- ^ Lauder, Simon. Bogan Pl residents lobby for name change. ABC. 12 April 2008 [12 April 2008]. (原始内容存档于2011-06-28).>
- ^ Kay Frances Bartolo. 'Bogan' Polite or not? Cultural implications of a term in Australian slang (PDF). Griffith University. [8 November 2014]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于9 March 2016).
- ^ Melenie Parkes. Bogan Hunters: A Field Guide. Yahoo! NZ. 20 November 2014 [25 November 2014]. (原始内容存档于2015-01-28).
- ^ Moore, Bruce: Of Boondies, Belgium Sausages and Boguns, (archive of dead link 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期12 March 2011.) Ozwords (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (Australian National University), November 1998.
- ^ Bogan breaks into Oxford dictionary. News Limited. 19 June 2012 [25 November 2014]. (原始内容存档于2013-02-19).
- ^ 41.0 41.1 41.2 Meanings and origins of Australian words and idioms. Australian National Dictionary Centre. [1 May 2012]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-11).
- ^ Moore, Bruce. A new twist in the elusive quest for the origins of the word 'bogan' leads to Melbourne's Xavier College. The Conversation. 26 March 2019 [26 March 2019]. (原始内容存档于2021-09-26) (英语).
- ^ Snobbery alert: the 'Cub' is busy turning Melbourne into Boganville. Age. Fairfax. 20 May 2006 [2021-09-26]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-06).
- ^ Definition of yarpie. www.allwords.com. [29 April 2020]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-26).
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- Goad, Jim (1998). The Redneck Manifesto: How Hillbillies Hicks and White Trash Became Americas Scapegoats. ISBN 0-684-83864-8.
- Hartigan, John Jr (2005). Odd Tribes: Toward a Cultural Analysis of White People. Duke University Press. ISBN 0-8223-3597-2
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- Smith, Dina. "Cultural Studies' Misfit: White Trash Studies", Mississippi Quarterly 2004 57(3): 369-387, traces the emergence of 'white trash studies' as a scholarly field by placing representative 20th-century popular images of 'white trash' in their Southern economic and cultural contexts.
- Sullivan, Nell (2003). Academic Constructions of 'White Trash' , in: Adair, Vivyan Campbell, and Sandra L. Dahlberg, eds. (2003) Reclaiming Class. Women, Poverty, and the Promise of Higher Education in America. Temple University Press. ISBN 1-59213-021-6
- Wray, Matt and Annalee Newitz, eds. (1997). White Trash: Race and Class in America. ISBN 0-415-91692-5.
- Wray, Matt. Not Quite White: White Trash and the Boundaries of Whiteness (2006)
- Pitcher, Ben (2007). The Problem with White Trash - Review of M. Wray (2007) Not Quite White, Duke University Press. ISBN 0-8223-3873-4. darkmatter journal