生命哲學[1](德語:Lebensphilosophie,在英文當中譯爲「Life-philosophy」 ,有時與人生哲學同樣寫作「Philosophy of life」)是哲學當中將生命意義、價值和目的作爲哲學之中心而强調的一個流派[2]。
20世紀的生命哲學對社會規範與風俗相當重視。以色列裔美國歷史學家尼特贊·萊博維奇(Nitzan Lebovic)認爲生命哲學顯現了生命概念之合集與1920年代德國教育制度所迎來的「生命學説」或「生命科學」(Lebenskunde)概念間的緊密聯係——後者支撐了當時生物學家普遍懷有之廣泛意義上的哲學觀。在其書中,萊博維奇對後尼采式哲學從斯特凡·喬治學派的激進美學到納粹及生命政治修辭的演變過程進行了追溯[5]。
- 威廉·狄爾泰
- 格奧爾格·齊美爾
- 雅各布·冯·于克斯屈尔
- 杜里舒
- 路德维希·克拉格斯
- 何塞·奧特嘉·伊·加塞特(受狄爾泰影響的西班牙哲學家)
- 漢斯·約納斯
- 費迪南·費爾曼
- ^ 郭官义. 〈什么是生命哲学〉. 《世界哲学》. 1985, 4: 79 [2017-10-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-10-24).
- ^ 2.0 2.1 Gaiger, Jason. Lebensphilosophie. Craig, Edward (编). Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Routledge. 1998.
- ^ 3.0 3.1 Michael Friedman, A Parting of the Ways: Carnap, Cassirer, and Heidegger, Open Court, 2013.
- ^ Wolin, Richard. Continental philosophy. Encyclopædia Britannica. [April 24, 2011]. (原始内容存档于2015-05-03).
In Germany the corresponding school [to vitalism], known as Lebensphilosophie (“philosophy of life”), began to take on aspects of a political ideology in the years immediately preceding World War I. The work of Hans Driesch and Ludwig Klages, for example, openly condemned the superficial intellectualism of Western civilization. In associating “reason” with the shortcomings of “civilization” and “the West,” Lebensphilosophie spurred many German thinkers to reject intellection in favour of the irrational forces of blood and life. In the words of Herbert Schnädelbach, at this point “philosophy of life tendentiously abolished the traditional difference between nature and culture and thus facilitated the success of the general biologism in the theory of culture, which culminated in National Socialist racism.”
- ^ Nitzan Lebovic, The Philosophy of Life and Death Ludwig Klages and the Rise of a Nazi Biopolitics, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.