

布宜諾艾列斯標準報》(西班牙語:Estandarte de Buenos Aires)是1861年至1959年間在布宜諾斯艾利斯出版的一份英文報紙。該報紙由麥克爾•瑪爾霍爾英语Michael Mulhall和愛德華•湯瑪斯•馬爾霍爾(Edward Thomas Mulhall)兄弟創辦,自稱是南半球第一份英文日报。[1][2]它成為南美洲最古老、最受尊敬的英文報紙。[3]這是阿根廷歷史上一個重要的資料來源,阿根廷聖安德烈斯大學英语University of San Andrés正在將其數字化並放到網路上。



  1. ^ Newspaper edited by the Irish brothers Michael George and Edward Thomas Mulhall in Buenos Aires, Argentina, since May 1st, 1861 to February 5th, 1959. At the beginning, The Standard had a weekly frequency and then daily and/or weekly at the same time for different periods. Besides some changes in the title - "The Standard and River Plate News", "The Standard: (El Estandarte), etc." (website of the Universidad de San Andrés, which has the archive [1]页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  2. ^ Burton, Captain Sir Richard, Letters From the Battle-Fields of Paraguay, (Tinsley Brothers, London 1870), p.182.
  3. ^ Percy F Martin, Through five republics (of South America): a critical description of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay and Venezuela in 1905 (London, W. Heinemann, 1906), p.29.