加達人Homo gardarensis)是十二世紀諾斯人遺骸,發現於格陵蘭加達地區。 加達人最初被認為與海德堡人相關,但現在認為這些骨頭只是患有肢端肥大症現代人[1]


  1. ^ Bennike, P.; Bonde, N. Physical anthropology and Human Evolution in Denmark and other Scandinavian Countries. Human Evolution (Springer Nature). 1992, 7 (2): 69–84. ISSN 0393-9375. S2CID 144301016. doi:10.1007/bf02437455. In the same study Hansen also described a very large and heavily built mandible and the posterior part of a skull. He compared the bones to the Neanderthaloid remains, but named the find Homo gardarensis after the site Gardar in Greenland ... 
