

冰上奇迹是人們對1980年冬季奥林匹克运动会的一场冰球比赛的稱呼。這場比賽是男子冰球半決賽,對陣雙方分別是美国国家男子冰球队蘇聯國家男子冰球隊英语Soviet Union men's national ice hockey team。尽管賽前苏联是四届奧運會金牌得主且被看好[1],但美国队却以4-3的比分爆冷获胜。最終美國隊進入決賽並奪冠,蘇聯則奪得銀牌。[2][3]


  1. ^ Soares, John. Amateur vs. Professional in Cold War Hockey: A Consideration of Relative Skill Levels and Their Implications for Professional Hockey Today. Notre Dame Journal of International & Comparative Law. 2018, 8 (1): 2–4 [15 January 2024]. 
  2. ^ U.S. defeats Finland, clinches hockey gold. Wilmington Morning Star ((North Carolina)). Associated Press. February 25, 1980: 5B. 
  3. ^ Richman, Milt. U.S. win was ultimate upset. The Bulletin ((Bend, Oregon)). UPI. February 25, 1980: 9.