
亚洲骄傲(Asian pride)是一个鼓励庆祝亚洲种族和文化的术语,其内涵和起源多种多样。[1]在国际关系中,它可能涉及推进泛亚洲主义和批判西方。在美国,这一概念起源于反主流文化,旨在反对刻板印象并赋权亚裔美国人。这个术语在现代通过嘻哈文化流行起来,倡导对亚裔美国人身份的积极态度。短语“有米饭吗?”(Got Rice?)成为文化身份和骄傲的象征,通常与亚洲骄傲相联系。它幽默地提到了米饭作为亚洲文化中主食的象征。这一术语被用于T恤活动,并被视为亚裔美国人定义自己身份、反击刻板印象的一种方式。










美国,“亚洲骄傲”(也写作 AZN Pride)一词的现代用法是一种对亚裔美国人身份的积极认同。[8]该术语受到美国西部亚裔美国人社区中嘻哈文化的影响,并随着一种不具体指某种特定族裔(例如越南人苗族)的亚裔美国人泛族裔概念的兴起而产生。这一概念在20世纪后期受到了诸如《Yolk》和《Giant Robot》杂志等出版物的影响。[9][10]一个具体的体现是“有米饭吗?”(Got Rice?)这一说法,它借鉴了广告宣传语“有牛奶吗?”(Got Milk?)。[11]年轻一代亚裔美国人从自己的亚裔身份中找到力量。[12]该术语的另一种用法是是格雷格·帕克(Greg Pak) 的《亚洲骄傲色情!》(Asian Pride Porn!),这部作品通过政治正确色情模仿,将亚裔美国人以积极的形象呈现出来,以对抗20世纪后期主流媒体中对亚裔的刻板描绘。[13]有时,这种现象是由于亚裔美国青年在周围主流文化中感受到与众不同而产生的。[14]




短语“有米饭吗?”(Got Rice?)是由亚裔美国青年Jonny Ngo在20世纪90年代创造的术语和图像艺术作品,其灵感来源于1993年加州牛奶委员会发起的“Got Milk?”广告活动。[21]此后,这一短语逐渐成为亚裔美国人文化身份与文化自豪感的象征,尤其在互联网上被广泛使用。它通常与亚洲骄傲口号一起被提及。[21]


还有一首名为“Got Rice?”的恶搞歌曲,通常被称为 AZN Pride,它采样了2Pac的《Changes》。[22][23]这首歌最早可以追溯到2000年,被描述为嘻哈音乐流派;[22]它也被认为是亚裔美国人,特别是华裔美国人,接受和适应嘻哈文化的一个例子。[24]由于使用了“AZN”这一术语——这一术语并未被所有亚裔美国人完全接受,因此这首歌也被称为“讽刺性地支持亚裔”的作品。[25]冯氏兄弟于 2010 年发布了这首歌的改编版本。[26]

T 恤衫活动

虽然这个短语最初可能作为亚裔美国人的俚语出现,但第一次引人注目的使用是在亚裔美国人杂志《Yolk》发起的T 恤衫宣传活动中。[27]

很快,其他亚裔美国人组织也开始宣传这个短语,并出售类似的 T 恤设计。这些组织及其支持者希望通过 T 恤来以一种有趣的方式宣传亚裔美国人的文化传统:[28]

“政治性T恤不一定都需要那么直白。洛杉矶小东京的日本裔美国人国家博物馆提供了一系列更加温和、亲切的T恤,纪念日本裔美国人传统中有趣和严肃的一面。在最受欢迎的设计中,一款成人和婴儿T恤上印有乳糖解放运动的口号‘Got Rice?’。”[28]

许多亚裔美国人社区成员认为这一设计是亚裔美国人文化和身份可行性取得重大进展的证明;因为在此之前,身份往往是通过主流社会的刻板印象强加给亚裔的,而“Got Rice?” T恤则是亚裔美国人试图定义自己身份并收回那些曾被用来刻画他们的符号。[29][30]



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Misiroglu, Gina. Asian Pride. American Countercultures: An Encyclopedia of Nonconformists, Alternative Lifestyles, and Radical Ideas in U.S. History. Routledge. 2015-03-26: 45. ISBN 978-1-317-47729-7 (英语). 
  2. ^ Langguth, Gerd. Dawn of the "Pacific Century"?. web.archive.org. 2012-06-10 [2024-11-16]. 
  3. ^ Dalrymple, Rawdon. Continental Drift: Australia's Search for a Regional Identity. Continental Drift: Australia's Search for a Regional Identity. Ashgate. 2003. ISBN 978-0-7546-3446-1 (英语). 
  4. ^ Lee, Erika. A Part and Apart: Asian American and Immigration History. Journal of American Ethnic History. 2015-07-01, 34 (4). ISSN 0278-5927. doi:10.5406/jamerethnhist.34.4.0028 (英语). 
  5. ^ Takaki, Ronald T.. Strangers from a Different Shore: A History of Asian Americans (Updated and Revised). United Kingdom, eBookit.com, 2012.
  6. ^ Wong, William. Yellow Journalist: Dispatches from Asian America. Maping Racisms. Temple University Press. 2001: 187 [20 December 2012]. ISBN 9781566398305. The Asian pride argument is not realistic in these times, at least in most cities and especially at state and national levels. For one thing, what is "Asian Pride"? There is a pan-Asian sentiment among some Asian Americans. Many Americans of Asian background, though, don't embrace the vague "Asian American" sobriquet. The identity label of choice rangers from plain old "American" to particular Asian ethnicity.  Joseph Tilden Rhea. Race Pride and the American Identity. Harvard University Press. 1 May 2001: 39. ISBN 978-0-674-00576-1. 
  7. ^ Margaret L. Andersen; Howard F. Taylor. Sociology: Understanding a Diverse Society, Updated. Cengage Learning. 22 February 2007: 603. ISBN 978-1-111-79905-2.  Daryl J. Maeda. Rethinking the Asian American Movement. Routledge. 2012. ISBN 978-0-415-80081-5. 
  8. ^ Malaspina, Ann. The Ethnic and Group Identity Movements: Earning Recognition. The Ethnic and Group Identity Movements: Earning Recognition. Infobase Publishing. 2007. ISBN 978-1-4381-0633-5 (英语). 
  9. ^ DiMaggio, Paul; Fernández-Kelly, María Patricia. Art in the Lives of Immigrant Communities in the United States. Art in the Lives of Immigrant Communities in the United States. Rutgers University Press. 2010. ISBN 978-0-8135-4757-2 (英语). 
  10. ^ Nguyen, Jason R. Pan Asian Americans: "Got Rice?". Nadeau, Kathleen; Lee, Jonathan H.X. (编). Encyclopedia of Asian American Folklore and Folklife, Volume 1. ABC-CLIO. 2010-12-21: 68. ISBN 978-0-313-35067-2 (英语). 
  11. ^ Malaspina, Ann. The Ethnic and Group Identity Movements: Earning Recognition. The Ethnic and Group Identity Movements: Earning Recognition. Infobase Publishing. 2007. ISBN 978-1-4381-0633-5 (英语). 
  12. ^ Chou, Rosalind S. Asian American Sexual Politics: The Construction of Race, Gender, and Sexuality. Asian American Sexual Politics: The Construction of Race, Gender, and Sexuality. Rowman & Littlefield. 2012: 182. ISBN 978-1-4422-0924-4 (英语). 
  13. ^ Rachel C. Lee; Sau-ling Cynthia Wong. Asian America..Net: Ethnicity Nationalism and Cyberspace. Routledge. 9 May 2003: 274–276. ISBN 1-135-44952-X.  Greg Pak. Robot Stories: And More Screenplays . Immedium. 2005: 79–95. ISBN 978-1-59702-000-8.  Kent A. Ono; Vincent Pham. Asian Americans and the Media. Polity. 20 January 2009: 76–77. ISBN 978-0-7456-4273-4.  Celine Shimizu. Straitjacket Sexualities: Unbinding Asian American Manhoods in the Movies. Stanford University Press. 9 May 2012: 212. ISBN 978-0-8047-8220-3. 
  14. ^ Frio, Daniel. Classroom Voices on Education and Race: Students Speak from Inside the Belly of the Beast. Classroom Voices on Education and Race: Students Speak from Inside the Belly of the Beast. Rowman & Littlefield. 2012: 100–106. ISBN 978-1-4758-0135-4 (英语). 
  15. ^ Rhea, Joseph Tilden. Race Pride and the American Identity. Race Pride and the American Identity. Harvard University Press. 1997. ISBN 978-0-674-00576-1 (英语). 
  16. ^ Deborah Wong; Paul DiMaggio; María Patricia Fernández-Kelly. GenerAsian Learn Chinese; The Asian American Youth Generation and New Class Formations. Art in the Lives of Immigrant Communities in the United States. Rutgers University Press. 2010. ISBN 978-0-8135-4757-2 (英语). 
  17. ^ Alsaybar, Bangele D. Filipino American Youth Gangs, "Party Culture," and Ethnic Identity in Los Angeles. Min, Pyong Gap (编). The Second Generation: Ethnic Identity Among Asian Americans. Rowman Altamira. 2002. ISBN 978-0-7591-0176-0 (英语). 
  18. ^ Asian Pride Gang Member Gets 33 Years. news.google.com. St. Petersburg Times. 2007 -11 - 6 [2024-11-16]. 
  19. ^ Judge criticized for gang member's low bail in murder case - St. Petersburg Times. web.archive.org. 2009-05-17 [2024-11-16]. 
  20. ^ 27 Members Of 'Asian Pride' Gang Indicted - 7NEWS Denver TheDenverChannel.com. web.archive.org. 2015-04-02 [2024-11-16]. 
  21. ^ 21.0 21.1 21.2 Lee, Jonathan H. X. Encyclopedia of Asian American Folklore and Folklife: [3 Volumes]. Encyclopedia of Asian American Folklore and Folklife. Bloomsbury Academic. 2011. ISBN 978-0-313-35066-5 (英语). 
  22. ^ 22.0 22.1 Raphael-Hernandez, Heike; Steen, Shannon. AfroAsian Encounters: Culture, History, Politics. AfroAsian Encounters: Culture, History, Politics. NYU Press. 2006-11-01. ISBN 978-0-8147-7690-2 (英语). 
  23. ^ Thuy Linh Nguyen Tu; Mimi Thi Nguyen. Alien encounters : popular culture in Asian America. Alien Encounters: Popular Culture in Asian America. Internet Archive. Durham : Duke University Press. 2007. ISBN 978-0-8223-3910-6. 
  24. ^ Lee, Jonathan H. X. Chinese Americans: The History and Culture of a People: The History and Culture of a People. Chinese Americans: The History and Culture of a People: The History and Culture of a People. ABC-CLIO. 2015-11-12: 340. ISBN 978-1-61069-550-3 (英语). 
  25. ^ DiMaggio, Paul; Fernandez-Kelly, Patricia. Art in the Lives of Immigrant Communities in the United States. Art in the Lives of Immigrant Communities in the United States. Rutgers University Press. 2010-10-13: 137–138. ISBN 978-0-8135-5041-1 (英语). 
  26. ^ An Ode to San Gabriel Valley Easts. Angry Asian Man. 2010-09-29 [2024-11-16]. 
  27. ^ Olivia Barker. Eastern Influences Become Icons of Popular Culture. web.archive.org. 2001-03-22 [2024-11-16]. 
  28. ^ 28.0 28.1 S. D. Ikeda. Identi-tees: Stereotypes, Abercrombie & the Chest as a Battlefield. web.archive.org. 2006-03-16 [2024-11-16]. 
  29. ^ Heike Berner. (2003) Home Is Where the Heart Is? Identity and Belonging in Asian American Literature. Ph.D. Dissertation, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
  30. ^ Lee, Erika. A Part and Apart: Asian American and Immigration History. Journal of American Ethnic History. 2015-07-01, 34 (4). ISSN 0278-5927. doi:10.5406/jamerethnhist.34.4.0028 (英语). 


Perry, Justin C.、Kristen S. Vance 和 Janet E. Helms。“在亚裔美国大学生中使用有色人种种族认同态度量表:一项探索性因素分析。”《美国矫正精神病学杂志》79.2(2009 年):252-260。