云吸 是在滑翔伞、悬挂式滑翔伞和滑翔机等飞行中的常见现象。在这些飞行中由于积云(尤其是塔状积云积云底部)的热量,飞行员会感受到明显的升力。积云的深度(垂直长度)是一个很好的指标,可以通过它去判断云下升力的强度和潜在的云吸。[1] 云吸通常发生在低气压天气和潮湿天气下。[2]








2007年2月14日,在为澳大利亚滑翔伞比赛练习时,出生于波兰的德国队队员 Ewa Wiśnierska-Cieślewicz英语Ewa_Wiśnierska[7] 被吸入积雨云,以每秒20米(每分钟4,000英尺)[8]的速度上升到9,946米(32,600英尺)。[9]她因缺氧而失去知觉,但30到60分钟后恢复知觉。三个半小时后在降落时仍被冰层覆盖。[10][11][12]


2014年,66 岁从陆军退役的将军、意大利飞行员 Paolo Antoniazzi,在被吸入雷暴后生亡。[14]


美国海军谢南多厄号(USS Shenandoah)——美国建造的第一艘硬式飞艇,也是世界上第一艘用氦气充气的飞艇。在与飑线相关的云吸事故中坠毁。1925年9月3日早上6点左右,俄亥俄州诺布尔县北部的艾瓦附近,谢南多厄号在2100英尺的高空突然被猛烈的上升气流卷入,以每秒1米的速度上升。在大约6,200英尺的高度,上升被控制,但飞艇开始下降。当它到达地面的一半距离时,被另一股上升气流击中,并开始以更快的速度迅速上升。最后,龙骨断裂,船在距地面一英里多的高度解体了。谢南多厄号的指挥官和其他13名官兵牺牲。29名船员在解体中幸存下来,虽然他们一些人受到了重伤。[15][16]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Pagen, Dennis. The Art of Paragliding. City: Black Mountain Books. 2001: 105, 108. ISBN 0-936310-14-6. Remember, the thickness of a cumulus clouds is the biggest indicator of the level of lift beneath it and the potential for cloud suck... 
  2. ^ Pagen, Dennis. Understanding the Sky. Spring Mills, PA: Sport Aviation Pubns. 1992: 230. ISBN 0-936310-10-3. Cloud suck seems to occur most commonly in low pressure weather and especially in humid conditions. 
  3. ^ Macgorman, D. The Electrical Nature of Storms. Oxford Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press. 1998: 164. ISBN 0-19-507337-1. As the water vapor condenses, it releases its latent heat of vaporization, thereby increasing the buoyancy of the parcel. 
  4. ^ Fox, Peter. Geophysical and Astrophysical Convection. Washington: Taylor & Francis. 2000: 251. ISBN 90-5699-258-9. The updraft is amplified by latent heat release... 
  5. ^ Simpson, Joe. The Beckoning Silence. Seattle: Mountaineers Books. 2003: 62. ISBN 0-89886-941-2. As she instigated the stall she was alarmed to realize that far from free-falling she was still slowly being pulled upwards. 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Anderson, Fletcher. Flying the Mountains. McGraw-Hill Professional. 2003: 219. ISBN 0-07-141053-8. Paraglider pilots, whose maximum speed is less than 30 knots, have a particular phobia about flying under large cumulus clouds. 
  7. ^ Standa Hlavinka; Ewa Wisnierska Cieslewicz. I have fun living like a bird. www.skyfly.cz. [2019-07-23]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-12). 
  8. ^ Paraglider survives wild flight. Herald Sun. 2007-02-17 [2007-05-20]. (原始内容存档于2009-04-28). Ewa Wisnierska, 35, was catapulted upwards like a leaf at speeds of up to 20 metres per second... 
  9. ^ Besser, Linton. Ewa sucked into storm and lives to tell. The Sydney Morning Herald. Jano Gibson and David Braithwaite. 2007-02-16 [2007-05-20]. (原始内容存档于2018-04-15). Ewa Wisnierska, 35, passed out due to a lack of oxygen and flew unconscious for up to an hour covered in ice after reaching an altitude of 9947 metres 
  10. ^ Wendy Lewis. See Australia and Die. New Holland. 2007. ISBN 978-1-74110-583-4. 
  11. ^ Meldung des DHV mit persönlicher Stellungsnahme der Pilotin zum Vorfall. [2019-07-23]. (原始内容存档于2011-10-01) (德语). 
  12. ^ Paraglider Cheats Death In Thunderstorm. CBS News. 2007-02-16 [2007-05-21]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-05). 'The glider kept climbing, climbing, and I couldn't see anything. Then it got dark. I was already shaking, all wet, all the instruments were wet and frozen' she recounted. 
  13. ^ Braithwaite, David. Lightning killed paraglider. The Sydney Morning Herald. 2007-02-20 [2007-05-20]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-16). A lightning strike killed a Chinese man who disappeared after being sucked into the storm survived by German paraglider Ewa Wisnierska last week. 
  14. ^ Udine, trovato morto parapendista risucchiato dal temporale. [2019-07-23]. (原始内容存档于2020-08-11). 
  15. ^ U.S. National Park Service. Shenandoah Crash Sites --Aviation: From Sand Dunes to Sonic Booms: A National Register of Historic Places Travel Itinerary. [2007-05-20]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-19). 
  16. ^ Waller, Douglas. A Question of Loyalty : Gen. Billy Mitchell and the Court-Martial That Gripped the Nation. New York: HarperCollins Publishers. 2004: 15–16. ISBN 0-06-050547-8. The squall now quickly lifted up the helpless airship to 6,300 feet...then it plunged in a matter of minutes down to 3,200 feet. 
