

美国犹太人(英語:American Jews)为具有犹太信仰犹太血统美国人。美國猶太社群體現了廣泛的猶太文化傳統,包括全方位的猶太宗教儀式。

American Jews
5,425,000 (2012年)[1][2]
扩大的犹太人口 (含犹太人的非犹太裔亲属)
6,721,680 (2012年) [3][4][5][6][7][8]
英语 · 俄语 · 希伯来语 · 意地绪语













世界犹太人大会排名[14] 宗教数据协会档案排名[15] 都市区 犹太人数量(世界犹太人大会) 犹太人数量(ASARB)
1 1 紐約都會區 1,750,000 2,028,200
2 3 迈阿密 535,000 337,000
3 2 大洛杉矶地区 490,000 662,450
4 4 费城 254,000 285,950
5 6 芝加哥 248,000 265,400
6 8 舊金山灣區 210,000 218,700
7 7 大波士顿 208,000 261,100
8 5 巴尔的摩-华盛顿 165,000 276,445


地區 美國猶太人 (2015)[16] 百分比[a]
  亚拉巴马州 8,800 0.18%
  阿拉斯加州 6,175 0.84%
  亚利桑那州 106,300 1.58%
  阿肯色州 1,725 0.06%
  加利福尼亚州 1,232,690 3.18%
  科罗拉多州 103,020 1.92%
  康涅狄格州 117,850 3.28%
  特拉华州 15,100 1.61%
  華盛頓哥倫比亞特區 28,000 4.25%
  佛罗里达州 651,510 3.28%
  佐治亞州 128,420 1.27%
  夏威夷州 7,280 0.51%
  爱达荷州 2,225 0.14%
  伊利诺伊州 297,435 2.31%
  印第安纳州 17,220 0.26%
  艾奥瓦州 6,170 0.20%
  堪萨斯州 17,425 0.60%
  肯塔基州 11,300 0.26%
  路易斯安那州 10,675 0.23%
  缅因州 13,890 1.04%
  马里兰州 238,200 3.99%
  马萨诸塞州 274,680 4.07%
  密西根州 83,155 0.84%
  明尼苏达州 45,750 0.84%
  密西西比州 1,575 0.05%
  密苏里州 64,275 1.06%
  蒙大拿州 1,350 0.13%
  内布拉斯加州 6,150 0.33%
  内华达州 76,300 2.69%
  新罕布什尔州 10,120 0.76%
  新泽西州 523,950 5.86%
  新墨西哥州 12,725 0.61%
  纽约州 1,759,570 8.91%
  北卡罗来纳州 35,435 0.36%
  北达科他州 400 0.05%
  俄亥俄州 147,715 1.27%
  奧克拉荷馬州 4,625 0.12%
  俄勒冈州 40,650 1.02%
  宾夕法尼亚州 293,240 2.29%
  罗得岛州 18,750 1.78%
  南卡罗来纳州 13,820 0.29%
  南达科他州 250 0.03%
  田纳西州 19,600 0.30%
  德克萨斯州 158,505 0.59%
  犹他州 5,650 0.19%
  佛蒙特州 5,985 0.96%
  弗吉尼亚州 95,695 1.15%
  华盛顿州 72,085 1.02%
  西弗吉尼亚州 2,310 0.12%
  威斯康星州 33,055 0.57%
  怀俄明州 1,150 0.20%
總計 6,829,930 2.14%


  1. ^ Percentage of the state population that identifies itself as Jewish.


  1. ^ Jewish Population in the United States * (1654 - 2012). Jewish Virtual Library. [2013-04-25]. (原始内容存档于2017-01-13). 
  2. ^ Aaron Kalman. Global Jewish population grows by 88,000 over past year. Times of Israel. September 9, 2012 [2013-04-25]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-10). 
  3. ^ Jewish population here is defined as the Enlarged Jewish Population. The Enlarged population includes: (A) Core Population - Those Jews who were either born to Jewish parents or converted to Judaism. (B) Other Persons of Jewish Parentage - Jewish fathers or grandfathers; non-Jews with Jewish backgrounds (C) Respective non-Jewish households members
  4. ^ Jewish Population in the United States, 2012 (PDF). Jewish Data Bank: 23. [2013-04-25]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2013-05-01). 
  5. ^ Naomi Zeveloff. U.S. Jewish Population Pegged at 6 Million. Forward. January 17, 2012 [February 5, 2013]. (原始内容存档于2019-01-07). 
  6. ^ American Jewish Year Book 2012 - Google Books. [2013-05-26]. (原始内容存档于2014-07-12). 
  7. ^ US Jewish Population is Anywhere Between 5.425 Million and 6.722 Million - Gestetner Updates | Gestetner Updates 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期2013-02-20.
  8. ^ Unity of Nobility - News for White Europeans » Israel says 6.722 million Jews in America, they love 6,000,000 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期2013-06-14.
  9. ^ 6,700,000–6,829,930 according to: An Estimate of 7,160,000 according to: Enlarged population of 8,000,000–10,000,000 according to:
  10. ^ US Census Bureau Statistical Abstract 2009, Table 74. For persons 18 years or older, based on the Religious Landscape Survey, a survey conducted in the summer of 2007. (The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, Washington, DC, U.S. Religious Landscape Survey; released February 2008.), census.org 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期2011-06-28.
  11. ^ US Census Bureau, USA Statistics in Brief—Population by Sex and Age, 2007. 存档副本. [2013-05-26]. (原始内容存档于2009-05-15). 
  12. ^ US Census Bureau Statistical Abstract 2009, Table 76, Christian Church Adherents, 2000, and Jewish Population, 2008— States. The Jewish population includes Jews who define themselves as Jewish by religion as well as those who define themselves as Jewish in cultural terms. Data on Jewish population are based primarily on a compilation of individual estimates made by local Jewish federations (as reported in the American Jewish Yearbook). census.gov页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  13. ^ Central Bureau of Statistics, Statistical Abstract of Israel, 2008, Table 2.2. cbs.gov.il页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  14. ^ The Largest Jewish Communities. adherents.com. [November 8, 2008]. (原始内容存档于October 16, 2008). 
  15. ^ Judaism (estimated) Metro Areas (2000). The Association of Religion Data Archives. [December 1, 2009]. (原始内容存档于2009年11月23日). 
  16. ^ Ira Sheskin, Arnold Dashefsky. Berman Jewish DataBank: Jewish Population in the United States, 2015页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Page 15. Retrieved September 18, 2016 – select state from drop-down menu
