
激进妇女(英語:Radical Women,缩写为RW)是美国的一个奉行社会主义女性主义的基层活动组织,成立于1967年。它与托洛茨基主义政党自由社会党有联系。它的总部位于西雅图,在澳大利亚墨尔本设有分支[1][2]



  1. ^ A bibliography of Socialist Feminism on Kristin Switala's Feminist Theory Website, Center for Digital Discourse and Culture at Virginia Tech. includes the work of RW's Gloria Martin and Clara Fraser. Accessed online 8 April 2007.
  2. ^ Gloria Martin, 1916-1995: Feminist Pioneer and Unabashed Lifelong Socialist (obituary notice put out by RW and Freedom Socialist Party, reproduced on the Progressive News & Views List archive). Accessed online 8 April 2007.